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  1. RotaryWingBob

    They didn't blame the pilot this time!

    ATC didn't listen to the readback:,2933,318935,00.html
  2. RotaryWingBob

    Baltimore Inner Harbor

    Here's my preference Gary, but it's not going to help you, my friend! Fun place to fly into, though, and you get a great view of Ft. McHenry! It's about a ten minute drive in their courtesy car...
  3. RotaryWingBob

    Merry Christmas !

    Thank you, and a Merry Christmas to all on the board!
  4. RotaryWingBob

    Bill's Birthday?

    Have a happy, Bill!
  5. RotaryWingBob

    Airplane price difference

    And sometimes they sell your a/c quickly. God bless 'em...
  6. RotaryWingBob

    New Member

    Welcome aboard!
  7. RotaryWingBob

    Grand theft, muffin!

    Only in Britain could this happen: So if you work for BA, keep your damn hands off the muffins :yes:
  8. RotaryWingBob

    more "Don't mess with old folks"

    Works for me :yes:
  9. RotaryWingBob

    more "Don't mess with old folks"

    Isn't there a saying that sorta goes "age, experience, and deception trump youthful exuberance every time"?
  10. RotaryWingBob

    Cool T&G's

    I got stuck in traffic northbound on Rt 611 right by the Willow Grove Naval Air Station. The good news is that I got to watch a couple of A-10's do T&G's. They looked like they were doing 60+ degree bank turns in the pattern as well -- they were flying tighter patterns than many a student...
  11. RotaryWingBob

    Zero Gs. Does this hurt the plane?

    No biggie in an airplane. But you'll likely kill yourself in any helicopter with a semi-rigid rotor system :hairraise:
  12. RotaryWingBob

    Which Aircraft

    After 15 years, I doubt it makes any difference. Low-wing doesn't fly a whole lot different than high-wing except maybe that low-wings have more of a tendency to float if you come in too hot. Of course, this is all real easy to say for a guy who hasn't flown anything but rotorcraft in the...
  13. RotaryWingBob

    ASA Prepware

    I've used ASA and don't have any issues with it, Jason.
  14. RotaryWingBob

    Aerial Tour of NYC (Hudson southbound)

    Nice pics, Jason!
  15. RotaryWingBob

    When I'm Sixty-Four...

    Yeah, I got the reference too. Trouble is, I AM 64...
  16. RotaryWingBob

    Buying only, not selling. I've never had any problems with them.
  17. RotaryWingBob

    Chopper 101 web page - info for fixed-wingers

    All Robinsons come with them because there's no requirement to have any gyro instruments. In the case of our R44, we have an AI with a tube and ball (no TC) so I generally glance at it to make sure I'm not flying sideways :D
  18. RotaryWingBob

    Chopper 101 web page - info for fixed-wingers

    Dunno. Never tried it :dunno: Probably not since I'd be missing some of the visual cues I'm used to.
  19. RotaryWingBob

    The happiest day(s) in the life of a pilot!

    They say that the two happiest days in a pilot's life are the day he buys an aircraft and then the day he sells it. I got to spread it out over three days for my PA28-181. The day I bought it a few months after getting my PP-ASEL, the day a few years back that I sold 2/3 of it because I was...
  20. RotaryWingBob

    Checklist for All Aircraft

    Works for me!