Search results

  1. Concorde

    A short film Enjoy it.
  2. Concorde

    Can you log time if you stole the airplane

    I don't know it looks real to me.
  3. Concorde

    Checkride scheduled for Sunday at noon...

    Good luck . Don't forget your clearing turns.:D
  4. Concorde

    Ouch, hail storm last night..

    Hangar for $40 ?
  5. Concorde

    Student question about filling out a log book

    I don't see anything wrong with that.
  6. Concorde

    Is Sonex the Best Choice

    There are two beautiful sonex aircrafts at Siler city airport very close to you. Give FBO a call for contact info.
  7. Concorde

    Hot teacher gives students sex/beer

    Can they log this as pic ?
  8. Concorde

    No longer a student pilot

    Fast finger.:D But you can post some pics if you want to.
  9. Concorde

    No longer a student pilot

    Congratulations !!! Nicely done . :needpics::cheers:
  10. Concorde

    Ready to give up

    Congratulations ! :cheers:
  11. Concorde


    Where is Tom ? Last activity April 1. I hope everything is fine.
  12. Concorde

    Went for a ride in a new RV-12 today!

    Last week I e mailed Vans for the list of local RV 12 builders ,haven't heard from them yet. Business must be too good .:confused:
  13. Concorde

    What does it mean to de-militarize a T-6 Texan?

    Empty weight 4100 ibs including the power plant, Aluminum is about 50 cents per lb for scrap . What a waste ! :sad:
  14. Concorde

    Skydive Pilot Bails at KFES (Festus, MO)

    WOOW ! ! Just imagine the stress level . Plane is uncontrollable, you have to put on the parachute , and you have never jumped before . GREAT JOB .
  15. Concorde

    My Friend's New Plane - Lengthy

    Nice paint job . Looks like a brand new C150, is the inside as nice ?
  16. Concorde

    Ready to give up

    Good luck.
  17. Concorde

    New Pilot Saying Hello

    Welcome to POA Steve . I like your signature . :D
  18. Concorde

    Keeping a non-hangared plane looking good/safe?

    Congratulations on your new plane !
  19. Concorde

    Who DOESN'T practice stalls post PPL?

    Just because your plane isn't rated for spin doesn't mean the end of the world. The manufacturer doesn't want you to practice spin for many reasons including higher liability and the cost of certification . But if it happens use your training and recover.