New Pilot Saying Hello


Filing Flight Plan
Jun 14, 2014
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Evening fellow Pilots, stumbled upon this forum and was reading posts and I loved what I read.

About me I am still young 33 but have been flying since I was young at the age of 15. I worked very hard to get my ratings. I just got current again after a 3 yr hiatus from flying which I missed a lot. Feels good to be back in the air.

I have gotten to fly some great airplanes in my life so far.

aeronca champ
super decathlon
Lear 35

But my all time favorite is the C-150 its what I 1st flew and got my private in and I love it .

Aviation is great community of men and women aviators and are some of the friendliest people I have ever met.

I look forward in learning new tips and thoughts on this forum

Many good people on this forum and very helpful and patient (Even though I ask the most basic questions). There are some trolls on here but just ignore them. There is a lot of good information on here as well, enjoy!
Welcome to the POA Forum, lots of friendly and helpful people on here. Glad to see a new aviator join the group!
Welcome to the forum,hope we can help.