Search results

  1. tlglenn

    Glider Ad on Rating

    My club normally operates Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. Also Wednesdays for about half the year. But, members can fly any day if they can get a tow pilot (plus any needed ground crew) to show up.
  2. tlglenn

    Weight and Balance sanity check, 70's 172

    Oops typo. It should've been 47.80.
  3. tlglenn

    Glider Ad on Rating

    I know a few people from my club who did add-on ratings at AZ Soaring and they were pleased. I can think of two who did their initial CFIG ratings there too.
  4. tlglenn

    Weight and Balance sanity check, 70's 172

    I don't have the sheet in front of me, but a 172M that I fly (1973 manufacture year) has an empty weight of 1436 with an arm of 39.01. It holds 48 usable gallons with an arm of 47.08.
  5. tlglenn

    Twin-Engine Time Building

    I know someone who did about 20 hours here (Glendale, AZ) before going to the airlines: I've flown with these guys (Phoenix Deer Valley):
  6. tlglenn

    Glider Ad on Rating

    It's not better than conjugal relations, but it's pretty awesome. Sometimes I'll find myself thermaling with hawks. Or just hanging out in lift lazily watching the world go by.
  7. tlglenn

    Glider Ad on Rating

    I went the club route for a commercial add-on. About 7.5 months from first flight to checkride flying on weekends. I wasn't in a hurry. I had to do 20 solo flights and I took my time on each one. Some pilots at my club started with the club, completed their solo requirements at the club, and...
  8. tlglenn

    Finally made a Pilots and paws flight

    My first one was a husky who really enjoyed staring outside or napping. No crate needed. Just kept him in the back with a handler. My second was with another pilot. Twelve cats in crates. They were loud (until we were high enough when they presumably napped) and the smell was awful.
  9. tlglenn

    What resources do you use to find other pilots to fly with?

    If there's a college aviation program or flying club in the area then you see if any poor students could use some free flight time acting as safety pilots.
  10. tlglenn

    Get your NOTAMS!

    I was flying a C172 or C182 into KPHX one late evening arriving after 11pm. There were NOTAMS stating the middle and south runways would close at 11pm for construction so I expected the north runway and a long taxi to the FBO. ATC had to constantly remind airline pilots about the NOTAMS since...
  11. tlglenn

    VH (Aussie) registered single pistons in North America?

    You could try with United States as your seach keywords although it seems that most of the results will be registration holders based in the US coupled with registered operators based in Australia. There are make and model filters to help you narrow...
  12. tlglenn

    Home and Auto Insurance

    Btw, if you want driving privileges in an aircraft operations area then you might be required to carry more than the minimum insurance.
  13. tlglenn

    Home and Auto Insurance

    Hmm, I once had a ceiling fan unexpectedly fall down.
  14. tlglenn

    Where to get the most for the $$$ Multi training Package price provides only about 10 hours of twin comanche time including both dual and time needed for the checkride. Examiner fee is extra.
  15. tlglenn

  16. tlglenn

    Utility Category - Cessna 172

    I did spin training in a C172SP. Two adult males up front and just about everything else cleared out of the plane. Only 18 gallons of fuel when we started the manuevers. Our CG was 39 point something.
  17. tlglenn

    Info on Hangars in San Diego

    Someone posted in a FB group a few months ago that hangar rental prices at MYF were 500-1000 per month. Buying a hangar would be 40-60K plus monthly ground rental to the city of about 150.
  18. tlglenn

    Can a Private pilot fly a company plane with passengers?

    It's fine with the FAA if you're alone. Based on the Mangiamele letter you cannot accept company reimbursement if you take a co-worker though. You would be able to accept a share of the expenses (so long as you're paying at least your pro-rata share) from the co-worker who could then seek...
  19. tlglenn

    Cell phones on commercial flights---whose rule?

    In flight wifi and voip?