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  1. D

    LOP setting

    I run the IO-520 at 40-60 deg LOP. The two parameters I use are smooth running and CHTs less than 350 deg. I pay no attention to the absolute value of EGTs in normal operation.
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    Leaning mixture on ground near idle power

    I didn't suggest stopping there. Doing this answers the OP's question.
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    Leaning mixture on ground near idle power

    Try slowly pulling the mixture control out. Does RPM increase? There's your answer. This isn't rocket science.
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    Looking for options to get a plane to fly

    Hang around the airport and talk to people----pilots, instructors, mechanics. Good chance you'll turn something up. There are lots of under-utilized airplanes out there.
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    Biannual flight review for a recently recently certified Flight Instructor.

    When I got my CFI in 2005 I assumed it counted as a FR. When I read something on the internet that cast doubt on that, I called the local FSDO (which shall remain anonymous) and asked. The person I talked to put me on the speaker phone with several others and they acted like I had a screw...
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    Right turning tendencies

    OP is right, but don't worry too much about it unless you're in a Mustang, Corsair, or such.
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    Q - How a Flying Club Works for an Owner

    While that's probably true, the OP is looking to save money compared to sole ownership. There are all sorts of ways to structure things to accomplish this. The real key, which hasn't been mentioned, is to find "partners", "renters", whatever, who are responsible, financially capable, and...
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    What's a good resource for finding pilots to rent to/share?

    I agree wholeheartedly that partners is a better way to go. Fewer surprises. Choose carefully and have a written agreement covering all contingencies. How to find a partner? Ask around at the FBO and maintenance shops. Post something on the bulletin board (if there is one). I had...
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    NA or Turbo?

    I have flown all over Colorado in the summer in a NA Bonanza. I would not even think of flying the same places in the winter due to frequent IFR weather and turbulence. IFR in Colorado means turbo. I wouldn't fly over that terrain IFR single engine in any case, but that's just me.
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    Airplane rental rate base on supply & demand.

    Creative thinking----good be a win/win.
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    Worst controller ever?

    No mechanical problem. Only light turbulence. What exactly was the emergency? Was this a VFR-only pilot who got himself in over his head? In the absence of that information, the controller's actions don't seem too bad, with the exception of the vectors after the initial emergency declaration.
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    Barrel roll

    Less of an expert than jimhorner. What is the role of rudder in a barrel roll? What balance between elevator, rudder, and ailerons? Barrel rolls weren't covered in the short "intro to aerobatics" course I took years ago.
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    Asking for Pop-up IFR Clearance

    The constant radio chatter interrupts my music and becomes annoying to passengers (and pilot).
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    What goes into Instrument Training?

    The 50 hours of cross country PIC for the IR isn't "instrument training", it's to ensure that you have at least some level of experience planning and flying beyond the local area. You will get some x-c PIC on your PPL cross countries. Surely you will have flown some x-c after PPL. The...
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    Seems to me "request" serves a purpose when the frequency is busy. It alerts ATC that what you have to say might take some of their time to deal with (route/altitude change, for example), and they don't have to deal with it immediately. Unprofessional? Not at all.
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    Why I No Longer Fly Lean of Peak For Now

    Agree with above, LOP usually not successful for carbureted engines due to poorer fuel distribution. Did you have a six-point engine monitor? Without one, you really don't know where the individual cylinders are, ROP/LOP.
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    Teach primary students Steep Spirals?

    I'll offer a contrary opinion: Steep spirals are an integral part of emergency landing skill set.
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    ODP Uncontrolled Airport on IFR Plan

    The ODP is optional. If the pilot knows (s)he can maintain obstacle clearance, it doesn't have to be flown. On the other hand, flying the ODP doesn't require ATC clearance, though if it were me I would tell them my intentions.
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    Cross country destinations from Charlotte NC

    Brewpub on the field at KCUB (Columbia Owens) but you won't get the whole experience if you want to fly back the same day.:)
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    When does it become "Mountain Flying"?

    One under-appreciated attraction in Santa Fe is the western art collection in the state capitol. Just go in and wander the halls.