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  1. H

    Beechcraft 95 makes highway landing all survive Icing caused both engines to fail?
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    Life Goals

    1) you are not the first person to have this issue - there are in fact professionals who counsel people on this. You wouldn't rewire your house without consulting an expert; this isn't that different. 2) your wife may not realize it now but if you can't manage the "farm" five years from now -...
  3. H

    visiting Montreal QC for New Years?

    Toronto is a very big city, with all the good & bad things that come with it. Skies are usually slate grey for most of the winter. Toronto has a massive (30km?) underground city if the kids are into that kind of thing. Montreal has a very European flair to it. Quebec city can be brutally cold...
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    Grumman electrical failure. Crashes into Cessna on runway.

    “Myth chugging” Awesome :)
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    Grumman electrical failure. Crashes into Cessna on runway.

    Imma gonna watch it one more time to make sure he doesn’t have a fire extinguisher in his pants…
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    Grumman electrical failure. Crashes into Cessna on runway.

    Engine running fine? Check CAVU? Check Plane on the runway ahead? Check Send it.
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    Piper Navajo N818BR down Victoria TX
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    Renting in New Zealand

    I’m a CFI and will be in NZ for six months starting this Jan. Bay of Plenty. Message me if you’d like to try and link up.
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    Whatever happened to Civility

    People have been bitching about how “folks these days” aren’t as polite as they used to be and how the kids don’t respect their elders since Aristotle.
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    Gryder & DB Cooper....

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    Decaf coffee [NA]

    Try tea.
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    Dark Aero 1
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    Dark Aero 1

    Been wondering about that one myself recently, but instagram posts as recently as a couple of weeks ago.
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    Update on Catalina Baron crash

    @geezer is throwing out PRO moves here
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    Spirit Airline Hit by Gunfire

    Probably need a separate thread for Spirit what with the bankruptcy and all
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    How much did poor training contribute to this accident?

    Probably has more to do with how limited the advertising is, and public education.
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    How much did poor training contribute to this accident?

    I appreciate the nod of approval, but GWLs (graphic warning labels) have shown to be ineffective.,or%20consumption%20levels.
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    How much did poor training contribute to this accident?

    Everybody knows you should brush your teeth and floss. Sometimes instruction is not the issue, compliance is. It is very hard to test people in a way that reliably predicts behavior once the supervision is absent. That is why we value experience so highly.
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    Update on Catalina Baron crash

    True, fanciful or otherwise this seems very well reasoned and it’s going into my brain bank of cautionary tales.
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    Update on Catalina Baron crash

    I approach my flying decisions with a rubric I was taught at work long ago. Imagine yourself explaining how it went horribly wrong, "Well, your honor..." if the rest sounds stupid, don't do it.