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    Flying into OBX

    First Flight helped me put "massive win!" Into perspective. Truly beautiful place Sent from my Nexus 6P using Tapatalk
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    Flying into OBX

    I went to Manteo last April, great people loved it there One thing was that there were some really nasty gusty winds. It might be good to start looking at the winds and see what they're looking like this time of year Sent from my Nexus 6P using Tapatalk
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    Flight School Suggestions for Nashua, NH KASH?

    John, I'm based at KASH and have tried many of the schools on the field at one point or another. Air Direct seems to have the best rep these days and their chief pilot is a retired airline guy who loves to teach. PM me and we can chat Sent from my Nexus 6P using Tapatalk
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    Solar Eclipse

    I'm going to Columbia SC for the eclipse
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    Garmin Pilot Issues - 6.0.2

    I had that in my last update cycle, it seems to have 2 entries for every state under flight charts one downloaded one not. Fortunately hitting update all again fixed it but its getting piggy on memory 32GB is almost not enough
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    Fun IFR Platform ?????

    Why is the GPS recommended? Its handy for sure but in no way necessary and will put you into a place where you need a more advanced airplane if you're renting. The transition from 2xVOR to GPS + VOR is much easier than going back to dual VOR and paper charts.
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    Does Not Get It

    Sure, seems unlikely! If he did that he'd have known how to get out without a class B clearance too
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    Does Not Get It

    No kidding stay west of the field, fly south, don't creep up above 4k until you're at 21DME (accommodate slant range and some safety factor). This sounds like he was under the impression that he was confusing IFR clearance issued by FSS with a Bravo clearance. While I'm not proficient with ops...
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    Engine out training

    PTS requires maneuvers be completed above 2500 AGL right? That said in the vicinity of an airport we've done it to a normal landing during PPL training
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    Re-using drained fuel?

    Tom-D is apparently a new appointee to the EPA
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    Help---unable to get ADS-B rebate due to error Garmin says in no big deal

    We got our check in under 2 weeks including Christmas and New Years it's surprisingly efficient for the Gov't. Installed was a GTX345 (non-GPS) and GTN650
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    Night Requirements for Commercial Cert

    Especially in this area there are plenty of part time fields, Nashua for example is staffed until 9:00PM local. Manchester is 24x7, but that's a rarity. I'd be shocked to see a DPE try to figure out where your 10 landings solo with flight in the traffic pattern at night while the tower was...
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    Rookie mistake and CRM failure

    I saw the same video, and it was painful. I think every new pilot should have to watch it, to understand what the possible outcome of this is and decide if they really want to accept that.
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    GTX 345 panel

    We had to check the same setting when we got it installed, if you have a 650/750 you can also control the 345 from that which is really nice.
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    Cessna 210 Crash - Payson, AZ - 4 Dead

    This seems to happen every year around the end of the year, my unscientific analysis is that a bunch of pretty good local pilots decide to take their big trip and show their family why GA is worthwhile so they all pile in the plane and off they go for that 1-2 big trips of the year. The result...
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    Touch and Go Safety

    I'll explain it one more time, I was on the runway taxiing towards the holding area at the end and another plane decided to land on the runway that I had not yet cleared. If this was a full stop I would say it was a safety foul, but since it was a T&G it seems grayer.
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    Touch and Go Safety

    I was still on the runway, my plane hadn't crossed any hold short lines when the other plane landed.
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    Touch and Go Safety

    It seems like untowered fields have their own personalities, where local procedure/custom is more pronounced than at towered fields which are whitewashed by FAA rules.
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    Touch and Go Safety

    See the attachment, the 2 semi-circular areas at the ends of the runway
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    Touch and Go Safety

    Flying a straight in and being 2-3 mile final while the other plane is on downwind and short final when they turn base doesn't seem like cutting someone off.