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  1. D

    Just Wandering

    Excellent explanation for an aileron roll. I would respectfully offer only a small caveat. The Citabria as I'm sure you know has a fair degree of roll intertia and doesn't exactly have the roll rate of a Pitts, Extra, or a T38 :-)) On that left rudder use; At the roll set initiating with enough...
  2. D

    Vicki Cruse killed in accident in Silverstone

    Rather than state how I feel about this, I'll simply relate a few facts to you. Reading the comment made by the other poster on Viki Cruse's death, and taking the name of the pilot he trashed not associated with the death of Viki Cruse completely out of the equation, and I said COMPLETELY OUT...
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    Vicki Cruse killed in accident in Silverstone

    a VERY wise move, and please don't send me any further private messages attempting to equate and justify your totally inappropriate trashing of Patty Wagstaff in a post made on a public forum supposedly meant to convey your "deep feelings" on the loss of another pilot. I have no desire to...
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    Vicki Cruse killed in accident in Silverstone

    God I absolutely hate to come here and read a post like this. Its not up to me to say you can't post it but I can SURE tell you that there are many many people in the aerobatic and display community who deeply resnt what you have just said here. Viki's death was bad enough without someone using...
  5. D

    No more spins in 150/152

    I've read the AD and agree with it even though the two aircraft that suffered failures were not airworthy. As an aerobatic instructor I've taught spins in 150 and 152 type aircraft for years with no incidents, but I believe the reasoning for the AD was sound. It was notable in the AD that in...
  6. D

    Congratulations to our Jay Honeck

    There's nothing like a German tuba band and a million liters of good German beer to put a smile on your puss! I just noticed the date on this thread. June 08??? :-)) Dudley
  7. D

    Congratulations to our Jay Honeck

    A suit and tie...............JAY????????? This will NEVER do!! Every time I break down and wear a suit and tie, my wife picks up the phone and makes dinner reservations at some restaurant where I can't pronounce the names of the food!!!!!!!!!!!! :-)) Good job Jay! Glad to see some of us...
  8. D

    Worst "aviation" movie ever.

    The film I believe was also used as an example of creative management for some very large companies back during the fifties. Don't remember the exact details but I recall it making the rounds as a "required" view for upper management levels. DH
  9. D

    Worst "aviation" movie ever.

    Spent some time down at Strike at Pax on the Turkey. Great bird once we got rid of the TF30's :-)) Anyway, on aviation movies, I'll always have a soft spot for the opening sequences in 12' oclock high not involving flying per se, but one of the finest segue sequences ever put on film. The...
  10. D

    Name that plane

    Had a few hours in the 22. One of my acro students owned one as a second airplane. Loved flying it. It was a REAL crosswind tiger!!! Gave you a bit of a workout on the hard surface on gusty days, but it was a barrel of fun. I miss the "good ole' days" :-)) Dudley Henriques IFPF
  11. D

    Cross wind landing practice

    I didn't see the post as criticizing. Mine was just meant to amplify a bit. Your point about those flying aircraft where the nose blocks the runway is well made. In my case, flying prop fighters throughout my aviation life, this was commonplace. Maintaining directional control in these...
  12. D

    Cross wind landing practice

    I believe what the poster meant to imply was that the earlier ANY error is detected, the less correction is needed. His comment was in my opinion correct and in fact, probably the single most important aspect involved in safe flying. What this amounts to generally is simply mentally flying the...
  13. D

    Cross wind landing practice

    I would agree with this. The nose wheel should be allowed to come down naturally after touchdown. In any well balanced tri-gear airplane being landed within the cg envelope, it should come down fairly fast after touchdown anyway, regardless of the crosswind. Holding normal control inputs to deal...
  14. D

    Cross wind landing practice

    Crosswind landings in tailwheels is as you have so correctly said, indeed a mixture of science, art, and tap dance. As an instructor specializing in tailwheel instruction throughout my tenure in aviation, and especially dealing with airplanes like the AT6 and the Pitts, I have always taught...
  15. D

    VNE question

    Only if you are a VERY lucky pilot!! :-)) You know what they say about cats......"you call a dog, he comes right call a cat......he takes your name and phone number for possible future response." :-)
  16. D

    VNE question

    We loved the cats for sure. The Chairman allowed us to live with him, wait on him, and feed him for 15 years :-)
  17. D

    VNE question

    Thanks. The Chairman was unique for sure :-)
  18. D

    VNE question

    Hi Diana; "A short piece I did on our cats a few years ago" MEET CHAIRMAN MEOW!!!!!! We have a two cats, "Chairman Meow" and "Sir Lick a Lot". Sir Lick a Lot is the smarter of the two. I've been teaching him to play chess. Actually, he's not all THAT smart, as I can still beat him two games...
  19. D

    VNE question

    20 degrees nose high initiation point for an aileron roll at 130 in a Citabria isn't high enough unless you are "modifying" the roll a bit with forward elevator through inverted unloading the roll. The airplane has too much drag index using pure aileron to allow recovery on the back side without...