Search results

  1. JimNtexas

    Approaches, Holds, and Safety Pilot

    But who logs what if one or both pilots holds only a basicmed? My answer: Don't log safety pilot time. Just don't.
  2. JimNtexas

    Flight Review after almost 5 years....

    The FAA Flight Review AC is a good reference. It tells you what is required to get the sign off. You shouldn't need a checkride. The FR isn't a checkride, you can't fail it, it's just training. When your CFI is...
  3. JimNtexas

    Operation Air drop Hurricane Relief

    Let me repeat what I mentioned in another thread. They need insect repellent badly on the coast. The mosquitos are huge, aggressive, and there must be billions of them. It's worse than the Alaska tundra!
  4. JimNtexas

    Port Aransas Relief

    I just got back from a Church organized relief flight to Refugio Texas (KRFG). Based on my experience in Rita and Katrina I'm not a big fan of flying supplies in light planes. However I figured nobody's heard of Refugio, in which case our four airplane convoy could make a difference. My...
  5. JimNtexas

    What turns on a USB battery pack?

    My usb battery will pass through, but it is not charging in pass through mode. A quick google search shows a lot of inline usb power switches, for example:
  6. JimNtexas

    Transferring title upon death of airplane owner

    AOPA can help you with this if you are member.
  7. JimNtexas

    Civilian vs. Military (ANG) Route?

    WHAT HE SAID! The ANG is the best flying gig going. Each guard unit hires pretty much like a private sector employer would. They (sometimes) advertise openings, review resumes, interview candidates. Frankly, with a history of taking medication for just about anything your odds of being...
  8. JimNtexas

    Our airplane in the totality

    I was on the ground at Glendo! It was the perfect place to view the spectacle.
  9. JimNtexas

    Mustang Beach Airport - Port Aransas

    Living in Austin our three club planes can fly to Port Aransas automatically without human intervention, they go there so often. I call that trip the 'super date'. But it wouldn't occur to me to complain to Port A that they are slow opening their airport. They really have a lot on their...
  10. JimNtexas

    Re-do the MedXpress application

    You can redo it using a different email address.
  11. JimNtexas

    Send good thoughts and prayers to Jay Honeck

    Rockport airport image: Until fairly recently I owned a vacation home in Rockport, I sure hate to see what seems to have happened there. My son's National Guard unit was activated this morning to go out there and help out.
  12. JimNtexas

    New Documentary on JFK Jr. Accident

    I have my own theory about the JFK jr accident. The pilot had just traded in his C182 for his Saratoga. On the C182 you usually fly with the fuel selector on 'both' most of the time. I'm pretty sure he was on autopilot for most of his flight, why wouldn't he be using it? I wonder if he...
  13. JimNtexas

    Anyone flying to an airport in the 100% eclipse zone?

    Three pilots smarter than me reserved all three club airplanes before I thought about it. I made a crazy last minute decision to drive from Austin to the Glendo Wyoming airport (76V) to view the eclipse. What's 1100 miles each way between friends? Glendo's airport was right on the...
  14. JimNtexas

    Sleep Apnea and 3rd Class medicals or BasicMed

    Don't hide OSA! If you suspect you have OSA discuss it with your doctor, get a sleep study if that's what she recommends. If you and your doctor decide you need a cpap machine then get one and use it. When you go in for your BasicMed exam report it and discuss how your are using it, bring...
  15. JimNtexas

    Sleep Apnea and 3rd Class medicals or BasicMed

    Before I lost enough weight to get rid of my OSA I found that using CPAP for four hours a night was OK, but for whatever reason keeping it on for six hours every night, like the FAA wants, was just torture. I think that my GP would still have signed off on my basic med based on 4 hours a night...
  16. JimNtexas

    Austin Executive to get control tower

  17. JimNtexas

    $$$training costs$$$

    If they only have one airplane expect long delays due to scheduled and unscheduled maintenance.
  18. JimNtexas

    Sleep Study this week - what to expect

    My OSA went away after weight loss, but I swear by my Resmed S9 autoset. in my case the sleep physician just made a recommendation to my family doctor. I had her prescribe the ResMed so that there would be no argument with an insurance company wanting to buy something cheap and crappy.
  19. JimNtexas

    Is Texas GA friendly?

    I did some training out of Addison recently, and used TKI a lot for pattern work. It's a nice airport, but the tower controller is grumpy.