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    ADS-B Ignorant, Please Help with upgrade Options

    I really like the Garmin 345 and Lynx 9000 transponders a lot. Have tried both. If you already have WAAS with the 430 the Garmin 345 pairs nicely. Can display Nextgen Wx directly on the GPS too. If you don't have WAAS, splurging on the Lynx is quite nice for the many features missing from the...
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    The view of flying versus driving

    If I am visiting family up north then flying GA is preferred. For me to visit them in Chico, I would need to drive 14 hours ONE WAY from southern California. Flying commercial is bad as well. No direct flights to Chico from San Diego. Would have to fly 2 hours to Sacramento then rent a car and...
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    Quick learners

    It took me longer than most to get my PPL but I did it. Wish I had done this in college when I was 19 though would have been less expensive.
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    TnG's in retractable gear aircraft

    With retracts, I do not recommend doing T&G if you can avoid them. Too many factors that can go wrong causing a bad accident. I like having the extra time to clean up and follow good procedure for GUMPS in the pattern. Older Bonanzas have the issue of flap switch close to gear switch so making...
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    Bad attitudes

    Haha I see that a lot with CFIs
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    Garmin GTN750, or Avidyne IFD540?

    I would go Garmin for better resale value and support. Plus most panels I'd want already have Garmin transponder and so forth that better integrate than Avidyne.
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    Best way out of S0-Cal

    coastal route is my favorite as you avoid terrain and more options for emergency landings. Plus more scenic pleasant views flying.
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    At what point to pilots stop flying IFR

    When money and time run out? I took a break due to work but looking at a potential plane purchase if the deal works out. Then can fly most weekends.
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    The BEST thing your CFI taught you?

    the importance of a preflight and making sure to not bust TPA and better radio skills besides tips for landings.
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    Piper Warrior - Major overhaul options for high-time engine

    How about buying a used engine in great condition? That could be a possible option.
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    2017 year in preview

    Do the same and buy plane to complete in this year. If the stars align that is.
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    Clarity Aloft

    I was not crazy about how frail the Clarity Alofts were and dislike foam buds so need to try Halos. Been happy though with my Bose headset.
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    Ifr finisher course in their plane or stick with the club

    Once you get the basics down, it comes faster. The trick for me anyways in IFR is to remain a few steps ahead of the airplane and think what's next and execute that correctly while handling ATC calls and flying a hold or approach correctly. For me, I plan to finish in my own plane because club...
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    First gotcha in annual- Piper experts come here

    and especially when drinking lemon soju! It whacked me hard the first time I had it years ago in Seoul. Like drinking lemon drop candy with high octane content.
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    First gotcha in annual- Piper experts come here

    Haha don'tcha know that Mooney=Mooney pit $$$ just kidding! If I fit better in one, a Mooney would be my plane. However us fat guys need a plane so Bonanzas fit me well.
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    777 almost hit San Gabriel Mts Friday

    The 777 would hopefully have synthetic vision in the avionics that shows terrain in some sort of TCAS warning system. Even Garmin 430/530 have option for this. If I was flying a lot of hard IFR, I would want to have this in my airplane.
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    Starting PPL This Spring & Own Plane - Advice Needed

    Chair flying is great and even better with a sim! I did a lot of that for my PPL and now for IFR training. Saves time and money. You can buy a joystick or rudder/yoke set and Microsoft FSX for cheap.
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    replacing an IO-520A with an IO-520K

    Get the STC and I'd go for IO-550 but get a used one less expensive too!
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    Gently used FlyThisSim Touch Trainer Basic Aviation Training device

    Nice sim! I had a chance to try one out at last AOPA flyin event and love it. If I had not bought my Redbird Jay sim, then this is the one I would get.