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  1. Gerhardt

    Future of PoA

    The demise of PoA won't be because of fb. It'll be because of the declining pilot population.
  2. Gerhardt

    No one is allowed to post in this thread.

    *looks up* dang, now I'm hungry.
  3. Gerhardt

    I shot the president!

    I agree. :)
  4. Gerhardt

    CBD and Hemp products

    As long as we're off topic anyway... I've never been a fan of drug companies mass marketing directly to the public. That has to drive doctors up the wall, patients coming in "I saw on TV where xxxx will cure me. I need some of that!"
  5. Gerhardt

    I shot the president!

    And not one joke about the president's escort.
  6. Gerhardt

    CBD and Hemp products

    Both the manufacturers and wholesalers track where the drugs go. They knew that massive quantities were being sold through small pharmacies that shouldn't have been turning a fraction of what they were. In many situations the reps themselves reported the problem to their employers and were...
  7. Gerhardt

    Headset advice- what you wish you knew?

    I wish ANR was around when I was taking lessons in a 150. I can't imagine the permanent damage I did to my hearing using the overhead speaker. And worse, I had to fake being able to understand what anyone was saying. I have to second the notion that a $1K outlay during training is money well...
  8. Gerhardt

    CBD and Hemp products

    To be fair, trusting your health to big pharma isn't a guarantee of better results.
  9. Gerhardt

    Lets make Friday 'Joke Day'!

    The TAF Decoder thing is funny. And true. From the beginning I thought in this day and age there's just no need to be so cryptic, especially with something so important.
  10. Gerhardt

    CBD and Hemp products

    I see what you did there.
  11. Gerhardt

    ERU PhD program?

    So I emailed it to my son, the math major, and he thought it was funny. huh.
  12. Gerhardt

    Inn n Out bumped from #3

    I've been there once but it's not my thing. 9 months out of the year I'm going 100 mph, so most of the time I'm just grabbing something because it's quick, cheap, and it has to be only semi-tasty to satisfy my needs. Mcd's, Taco Bell, etc. are fine. I actually like BK, but I don't have the...
  13. Gerhardt

    ERU PhD program?

    How the hell did you get three likes on that joke? :)
  14. Gerhardt

    Is Internet good for humanity?

    Whoa! Them's fighting words.
  15. Gerhardt

    AirVenture 2019: Facts and Figures

    I hope to boost that number by 2 in 2020. I've never been. My wife was less than enthused when I asked her the other day to go with me next year. Since today is our 32nd anniversary she said she'd go with me next year as my anniversary present.
  16. Gerhardt

    AirVenture 2019: Facts and Figures

    Eren? I can't think of anyone else, maybe one of your kids if they felt sorry for you sitting there by the Grumman by yourself.
  17. Gerhardt

    Aviation Youtube Personality Income

    I don't think 6PC's day job inconveniences his social life much.
  18. Gerhardt

    Legit Job offer for a CPL...?

    I don't know anything about taxes, but this isn't a job, it's a short-term contract. How else is there to get paid other than 1099?
  19. Gerhardt

    Bar soap or Bodywash

    I'm an Irish Spring fiji body wash person. After I've lathered myself up with a bar of soap. Of course, I'm covered in grass at the end of every day so the soap is for cleaning and the body wash is so I smell good for the mrs.