the "not worthy of it's own thread" thread

You know what word sounds funny? Phenomena. Say it out loud a few times… you’ll see.
Why don't people take video in landscape mode?

A different question is why post crappy video is you didn't use landscape mode?

That's one (two) of my gripes for today...

Stay with it, you'll get to the good part.

and a hot blob
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"Although Umiliani used a very similar theme in 1966 for the soundtrack of the Italian film Ring Around the World, "Mah Nà Mah Nà" debuted as part of Umiliani's soundtrack for the Italian mondo film Sweden: Heaven and Hell (1968), an exploitation documentary film about wild sexual activity and other behaviour in Sweden. The song accompanied a scene in the film set in a sauna which gave its original title "Viva la Sauna Svedese" ("Hooray for the Swedish Sauna")."

"Although Umiliani used a very similar theme in 1966 for the soundtrack of the Italian film Ring Around the World, "Mah Nà Mah Nà" debuted as part of Umiliani's soundtrack for the Italian mondo film Sweden: Heaven and Hell (1968), an exploitation documentary film about wild sexual activity and other behaviour in Sweden. The song accompanied a scene in the film set in a sauna which gave its original title "Viva la Sauna Svedese" ("Hooray for the Swedish Sauna")."

I didn't get an upgrade to first class today thanks to 2 deadheading pilots they put up there instead. That seems wrong.
Sat on the plane for an hour. We had just got our maintenance issue fixed and were ready to go and then our captain announced all the mx stuff is good... BUT the flight team has timed out for the day and we all need to deplane while they find new pilots.

Bah! The kind of problems I don't have in my little spam can!
Sat on the plane for an hour. We had just got our maintenance issue fixed and were ready to go and then our captain announced all the mx stuff is good... BUT the flight team has timed out for the day and we all need to deplane while they find new pilots.

Bah! The kind of problems I don't have in my little spam can!
I can't believe they wouldn't let you do it.

I mean, you did offer right?
Good luck not reading that in Morgan Freeman's voice
I actually read it in my very best polished captain voice, which I KNOW we all practice... And I would use that voice as I speak to the pax in the back.

"Howdy folks, this is Captain Tom up in the cabin. I know the other guys let us down today so I'm here to get ya home"

*Loud applause from the back

"Our cruising altitude today will be whatever the cloud levels are minus 500 feet because my IFR certification is a little less than legal at the moment. We're looking at a fuel stop in Sacramento, Denver and Topeka on our way back to Chicago because the turbines won't be very efficient at ~2500 MSL"

"We're going to skip deicing service today to make up time, and because I frankly don't know who to call for it. But we should be fine. Thanks for flying the friendly skies".

For further information about this flight, find details in the AVIATION MISHAPS forum.
there's a lot of thread drift in this thread
Just wait until a rogue moderator merges it with the joke thread, picture of the day thread, and logging PIC sticky thread. And probably three or four of the Rough River threads just for good measure.
When practicing, each additional touch and go gets worse than the one before. Or I get more picky.