
Pattern Altitude
Oct 9, 2013
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I can't believe I'm the first one to see/post this.

Time to make your voice heard to Make the FAA Great Again!

I guess he's including himself in this one. Crash site theft for the masses! Not sure which is more scary, him trying to do this or 1,500 signing the petition.

"I would immediately install a system to identify and eliminate Federal employees who have used their FAA position as a means of personal retaliation against citizens."
For so much experience he doesn’t know much about ATC. The FAA already has a policy about PED use while in the tower / radar room. They might not follow it to the letter, but facilities have policies that address distractions on position. Don’t know of any incident that resulted from a tower tour. They’re usually scheduled during light traffic anyway. They already have recording devices in both tower and radar and there is already a “reverse brasher” in place. The controller can file their own “ASRS” in the form of an ATSAP and NATCA support but they’re still not completely off the hook though. They’ve also gone back to preference to veteran / CTI hires vs off the street (DEI) hires.
Beats the other people that have had in that roll

Why not, voted
I’d actually bet using his power as a federal employee to personally fire somebody who used his power as a federal employee in a personal vendetta against Dan would come first. ;)
I was referring to @Half Fast voting for Martha Lunken. Dan would almost certainly be going after anyone who opposed him.
I am guessing you cannot comment w/o donating? Otherwise I don't understand why all of the comments are positive.
I can't believe I'm the first one to see/post this.
I didn't want to give him any free publicity, nor make it easy for anyone to go for this... Looks like at least one person here already did. Facepalm.
For so much experience he doesn’t know much about ATC. The FAA already has a policy about PED use while in the tower / radar room. They might not follow it to the letter, but facilities have policies that address distractions on position. Don’t know of any incident that resulted from a tower tour. They’re usually scheduled during light traffic anyway. They already have recording devices in both tower and radar and there is already a “reverse brasher” in place. The controller can file their own “ASRS” in the form of an ATSAP and NATCA support but they’re still not completely off the hook though. They’ve also gone back to preference to veteran / CTI hires vs off the street (DEI) hires.
Oh, stop it with your "facts". :rolleyes: :rofl:
For so much experience he doesn’t know much about ATC. The FAA already has a policy about PED use while in the tower / radar room. They might not follow it to the letter, but facilities have policies that address distractions on position. Don’t know of any incident that resulted from a tower tour. They’re usually scheduled during light traffic anyway. They already have recording devices in both tower and radar and there is already a “reverse brasher” in place. The controller can file their own “ASRS” in the form of an ATSAP and NATCA support but they’re still not completely off the hook though. They’ve also gone back to preference to veteran / CTI hires vs off the street (DEI) hires.

Sorry, facts are not allowed in this discussion. Please delete your post.

Tim (the fake admin)