“Whadya wanna work on?”


Touchdown! Greaser!
PoA Supporter
Mar 10, 2013
Oakland, CA
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Bro do you even lift
Says the CFI giving your flight review. Wrong answers only please.
Emergency procedures (engine out, fire in the engine, fire in the cockpit)
Hockey stops on the ice in front of the hangar

Short field landings, and takeoffs, but mostly short landings. As short as I get with consistency.
Wouldn't mind working on this knot just above my right shoulder blade. You mind rubbing that out for me?
I installed some engine mount bolts from Lowes on the 172. I’d like to test them as a cheaper alternative to certified hardware. Preferably with some aerobatics. I did notice the ceiling is 700’. Shouldn’t be an issue, right?
How many times do you think we can cut this roll of toilet paper if we throw it out at 3000 feet?
Writing and organizing lesson plans..........