Gami gas has arrived...

Does a Cirrus have composite tanks? They have been running 100UL in one for about 10 years. Resins are the same as used in fiberglass
Older Cirri have composite tanks (composite wet wings). This is part of why they are so apt to burn after a crash - Metal bends, composites splinter.

Newer Cirri - last 10 years or so IIRC - have an aluminum tank inside the composite wing.

Any idea what year the one they're using is?
Looks like apple juice; I would have thought they would have required a color to be added, as they do blue for LL.

It is dyed. It would be clear otherwise.
It is dyed. It would be clear otherwise.
If the color is as intended, looks like this could be confused for JetA more easily than 100LL.

Since they aren’t making 80 leaded anymore, maybe make UL 100 red.
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Red's not available anymore. The IRS took it.
I suspect the yellow is to make it apparent when it is mixed with the 100LL blue to make a greenish blend. Originally, G100UL was supposed to be green.
Resins are the same as used in fiberglass
There are many different resins that can be used with fiberglass, with varying chemical compatibility. This became an issue when ethanol started to be added to auto fuel... boats (and some airplanes) with tanks made with vinylester resin had serious problems, while tanks made with epoxy resin were OK. There may well be a similar (but different) problem with G100 (or any other 100LL replacement).

Just like any other fuel system component... some may be compatible with one chemical, some with another... but other than teflon and some other fluoropolymers, just about nothing is compatible with everything, other than metal and glass.
Just like any other fuel system component... some may be compatible with one chemical, some with another... but other than teflon and some other fluoropolymers, just about nothing is compatible with everything, other than metal and glass.
Even metals have problems. Higher percentage ethanol blends will destroy aluminum.
I hope they get this sorted out. I would like to see the possibility of synthetic aviation oil (again). We can have that if the fuel is unleaded.
I really want GAMI G100UL to work! But this not encouraging...

I'm holding judgement until we get more information. What was the condition of the planes before fuel was used? Peeling paint, etc., has been occurring with leaded fuel for a long time. Is it caused by GAMI, or just correlated with its use?