What do you believe is flying over New Jersey?


Final Approach
Mar 4, 2020
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Dale Andee
Lots of things being touted about and it seems to be anyone's guess. I tend to believe that our government knows what the score is here but for some reason they aren't ready to say.

What say you?
Right now it seems both, but the public was my intent.
Best guess would be some DARPA project is being tested.
A few have got to be bandwagon jumpers. Or it’s the prelude to an ad campaign for who knows what product.

snippet: "The State of New Jersey should issue a limited state of emergency banning all drones until the public receives an explanation regarding these multiple sightings," Republican state Sen. Jon Bramnick said in a statement Tuesday.

I can’t believe no one has had the balls to shoot it down, illegal as it may be. You gots all kind of crim activity and mischief makers. Surely with that population there’s a bad apple out there stupid enough to do it.

Reminds me of our weakness with the Chinese balloon…
I can’t believe no one has had the balls to shoot it down, illegal as it may be. You gots all kind of crim activity and mischief makers. Surely with that population there’s a bad apple out there stupid enough to do it.

Reminds me of our weakness with the Chinese balloon…

Are these mystery objects high enough that small arms fire would be challenging?
Good math takes care of that :)

only if the ballistics support it.

maybe it would be a good training exercise to use a large drone (or two or three) to force down the mystery drone. I wouldn't want to put a real aircraft in harms way.
only if the ballistics support it.

True, but you need zero energy against a rotor blade. A few grains (grams) of lead at apogee against a blade would probably cause havoc. You don’t need to penetrate anything. It’s not like trying to penetrate the boiler room of a deer or elk.
I can’t believe no one has had the balls to shoot it down, illegal as it may be. You gots all kind of crim activity and mischief makers. Surely with that population there’s a bad apple out there stupid enough to do it.

Reminds me of our weakness with the Chinese balloon…
I do not necessarily disagree, but what lead goes up must come down somewhere. On a house, car, head? If one were to try and shoot it down, should be shot from above and watch your backstop!

Just as an example: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Battle_of_Los_Angeles

Several buildings and vehicles were damaged by shell fragments, and five civilians died as an indirect result of the anti-aircraft fire: three were killed in car accidents in the ensuing chaos and two of heart attacks attributed to the stress of the hour-long action.[15] The incident was front-page news along the West Coast and across the nation.[16]

Yes, I know the details and ammo were different, but the principle still holds.
What gets me is that some reports say these are the size of SUVs. That seems...a bit far-fetched. Also, they seem to be really well lit for a covert operation.

Used to build and fly cheap foam RC airplanes. Always figured that if some drone seemed to be surveilling my house, I'd call out, "Ramming Speed!" and launch one.

Ron Wanttaja
Now they think it was a regular helicopter or airplane.
Must be something in the drinking water.
Now they think it was a regular helicopter or airplane.
Must be something in the drinking water.

Do you have a link to that? Because my fingers are bleeding from pleading that case on another forum.
Three options I feel are likely:

Pen testing by an outside group (DoD or not) seeing what can be done to stop these.
China playing games with “US National” citizens, who aren’t.
Combination of the above with people jumping on the prank bandwagon and being idiots.
Is it true that there are dozens of these and they are coming off the coast?
Do you have a link to that? Because my fingers are bleeding from pleading that case on another forum.
Just conversations with heli pilots.
To me the lights in the videos look like typical LED position/strobe/landing/recognition lights installed on helicopters. Way brighter than what you'd see on a drone. And the spacing also seems to point towards a full size craft, not 3-4 drones.
Just conversations with heli pilots.
To me the lights in the videos look like typical LED position/strobe/landing/recognition lights installed on helicopters. Way brighter than what you'd see on a drone. And the spacing also seems to point towards a full size craft, not 3-4 drones.
Exactly what I've argued on every single video clip I've seen since this story first came out. I've got a couple of friends that live in NJ losing their minds over this and they have yet to provide any links/pics/clips to anything that wasn't very clearly a plane/helicopter.
Congressman Van Drew just reported these drones are from Iran and there is a mother ship off the east coast. I don't have a method to suggest, but if his report is factual, this activity needs to stop.
And I sure hope it doesn't further restrict model airplanes.
Now they think it was a regular helicopter or airplane.
That makes a lot of sense. I used to fly out of Solberg Airport (N51). They used to be (and maybe still are) a base for blimps. One Halloween, I saw the MetLife blimp going there one evening and it was lit up from inside the envelope. I read in the local newspaper that the police had many calls of a UFO that evening!
Congressman Van Drew just reported these drones are from Iran and there is a mother ship off the east coast. I don't have a method to suggest, but if his report is factual, this activity needs to stop.
And I sure hope it doesn't further restrict model airplanes.
That makes a lot of sense. I used to fly out of Solberg Airport (N51). They used to be (and maybe still are) a base for blimps. One Halloween, I saw the MetLife blimp going there one evening and it was lit up from inside the envelope. I read in the local newspaper that the police had many calls of a UFO that evening!

Many years ago we retrofitted a bunch of LED lights to a state-owned medium helicopter. We had to do a night certification flight to ensure everything was ok, no glare/unwanted reflections in the cockpit, good outside visibility, stuff like that. The thing was lit up like a Christmast tree.
Flying over the 'burbs and farmland, we had a a number of people calling 911 and reporting us as a UFO sighting.
There's another option, just don't worry about it.
One of my wife's good friends (who is an intelligent, level headed woman, despite living in NJ ;)) saw one. She said it sounded like a hobby drone, but bigger, and that it didn't sound like an airplane or helicopter.
Congressman Van Drew just reported these drones are from Iran and there is a mother ship off the east coast. I don't have a method to suggest, but if his report is factual, this activity needs to stop.
And I sure hope it doesn't further restrict model airplanes.
Seriously? Those MOAs are in use all the time and if there was a freighter sitting offshore it's been sighted multiple times. If it really is CHICOM then the SEALS can deal with it or a couple of Harpoons if they get difficult.

Agree on R/C. A law abiding community well over a century old that's being held hostage by people doing stupid stuff with drones.
Can’t they just follow them with a helicopter or another drone?
I’m going to sound crazy for admitting this, but I swear on my mothers grave it happened. About 15 years ago I was grilling in my front yard (extremely rural area in iowa close to crypt moa north). I heard what sounded like a small airplane moving very low and slow but couldn’t see anything on a crystal clear sunny day. I had just just so happened to have mowed a large section of my yard in a circle at the time (gotten a new zero turn and half playing with it, half trying to get rid of unevenness from mowing the same lines for years) and also just so happened to have 4’long sand point (look them up if you don’t know what they are, they are for driving in a well and look kinda like a rpg). As the sound got real close and I could still not see anything, something, for some reason clicked in my head I I started jumping up and down waving my arms over my head then pointed to the middle of the circle, held up the sand point, pointed to the center of the circle again and raised my pointing finger from it to the now extremely close source of the sound. I swear just as fast as a light switch BAM! A small white single engine propeller airplane appeared at about 300ft altitude that I can still remember vividly but can not identify make or model of with no numbers on it. I watched it then continue on for about a 1/4 mile and again just as fast as a light switch it disappeared again but I could still hear it fly off into the distance. I’m 100% convinced it was equipped with an advanced yehudi lighting system.
If it’s the government’s project, then they ought to have a good explanation and are not telling. If it’s not the government, then they ought to have a good explanation and either not telling us, or don’t know. Again, the story behind that Chinese weather balloon “inaction” is either sad policy weakness or extreme secrecy. This is no different, in my uninformed opinion.