Well now I've done it (new airplane)


Final Approach
Apr 24, 2012
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Brian Flynn
(Finally) bought a new-to-me airplane. N4867D is a 1979 172N. Closed on it mere hours ago and I don't know how I'm going to sleep tonight.

I said "there's a couple of things to fix on it, so I should get those taken care of". And then I said "who am I kidding, as soon as it warms up tomorrow, I'm going flying!"

Congrats get out there and enjoy the fun of flight
Jealous! Congrats!
Congrats on owning a great little airplane.

"who am I kidding, as soon as it warms up tomorrow, I'm going flying!"

I have an EAA meeting tomorrow morning and thought about flying over to the meeting. My little experimental doesn't have cabin heat and it's gonna be a bit chilly so it will likely stay indoors. But in a "new to you airplane" a little cool weather won't even be noticed (except for the great rate of climb)! Enjoy ...
Welcome to the club. New owner here my self! Fly as much as you can
Kick the tires, light the fires! Congrats
Congratulations!! Enjoy your little slice of freedom, nothing beats the feeling of "I'm going flying right now" and not having to deal with scheduling or overnight rental fees.

Now, on a more serious note, when is the funeral service for your wallet scheduled? I'm sure a few of us would like to attend.
@eman1200 is sick this week. It must be really, really serious. Like fever and delusions. Nothing else explains him liking a post about a high wing/172 purchase.
@eman1200 is sick this week. It must be really, really serious. Like fever and delusions. Nothing else explains him liking a post about a high wing/172 purchase.
He was a big cheerleader in the purchase. You should have seen the pom-poms.
The Golden Rule of ownership is to just “fly the thing”.
Congrats! Where's the interior and panel pictures? ;)
Beautiful . . .

Just needs one thing . . .

"STC SA02376AK: Cessna 172 / 175 Tail wheel Conversion" :p

is there a stc for a round motor also?

congrats enjoy it. i flew the T-6 to the EAA pancake breakfast last week, it was a big hit.