Posting pictures

Greg Bockelman

Touchdown! Greaser!
PoA Supporter
Feb 23, 2005
Lone Jack, MO
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Greg Bockelman
How do you post actual pictures in a thread? I want to post one but all I can seem to figure out is how to post a link to one.
(After Attaching Files) At the top left of the photo icon there is "Insert" and clicking that reveals another button "Full Screen" - click that

Flightaware track Nov3 2018 346mph.jpg
Now that is pretty slick. Two minutes to make and post an effective instructional video:)

I use Windows and a browser and most often use "copy and paste" to paste in an image. Most images I post are screenshots and don't exist as a file. Such as the one in this post. Image captured with Windows Snip and Sketch and pasted right into the post. It's a very nice feature. Best image handling of any bulletin board I use regularly, that makes the other one second best.

Once it's in the clipboard it's the usual [Ctrl]v to paste it in here. I think the paste goes in at the current text cursor position. It looks like Right-Click then choose Paste will work too.

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I use Windows and a browser and most often use "copy and paste" to paste in an image.
This is the method I normally use, too.

On Android mobile devices, I grab a camera photo or screeenshot, crop it to the desired size and save it, then use the "Insert image" button in the PoA (or any other Xenforo-based site) forum editor, which lets me pick an image from my photo stash and insert it.
That copy/paste works on my iPad running Safari!

Thanks for the hint! It’s a lot simpler than the slightly convoluted method I was using, grabbing a link and posting it between “img” tags.

Oh, and GiGi is still doing great 3 months post-adoption!
Now that is pretty slick. Two minutes to make and post an effective instructional video:)

I use Windows and a browser and most often use "copy and paste" to paste in an image. Most images I post are screenshots and don't exist as a file. Such as the one in this post. Image captured with Windows Snip and Sketch and pasted right into the post. It's a very nice feature. Best image handling of any bulletin board I use regularly, that makes the other one second best.

Once it's in the clipboard it's the usual [Ctrl]v to paste it in here. I think the paste goes in at the current text cursor position. It looks like Right-Click then choose Paste will work too.

View attachment 134495

Loom is absolutely awesome for this. It's a plugin you install in your browser and it's SUPER easy to capture a screen capture video. It instantly then turns it into a link you can share, and then after a few minutes of processing gives you a file you can download. I use it all the time.

The other tool I use for easy still image screencaptures with simple edits is LightShot. When you hit 'PrntScrn' it lets you choose exactly how to crop what you want off of your screen without the need to post-edit. You can draw on it, add text, etc too.

How do you post actual pictures in a thread? I want to post one but all I can seem to figure out is how to post a link to one.
I post using the link most of the time, but when you select the photo icon, you have two options. Link, and Drop Image.
Screenshot 2024-10-23 at 9.10.07 AM.png
Loom LightShot.
Noted, thanks.

I am allergic to software these days (security, security), but if I need something like it I might give it a go. Snip and Sketch only has freehand drawing which can sometimes be insufficient.

I notice that Lightshot is based in Russia :-(
Noted, thanks.

I am allergic to software these days (security, security), but if I need something like it I might give it a go. Snip and Sketch only has freehand drawing which can sometimes be insufficient.

I notice that Lightshot is based in Russia :-(

I honestly hadn't noticed that.... I'm an ex-IT guy so I should know better. It sure works well, but hmmm... it directly interacts with the clipboard. What else could it be doing there? I guess I won't be cut-n-pasting any passwords....
I am allergic to software these days (security, security), but if I need something like it I might give it a go. Snip and Sketch only has freehand drawing which can sometimes be insufficient.

I notice that Lightshot is based in Russia :-(
Is it bad that I heard the "Security, Security" in the voice of bitchin' Betty? :rofl: