Daily Pic

no more hurricane.


TSA said there was something wrong with my balls


Got out of work early today so a quick $300 club sandwich run up to BXM was in order.
A little fall foliage flight with a clockwise spin around the White Mountains on Monday. The light wasn’t great for good pictures but here’s one of the Mount Washington Hotel and Bretton Woods ski resort.

Very cool! Being the big baby I am, I've never flown around those, even though they're pretty close. In my mind they're like Charlie Brown's kite eating tree, and I'm the kite. Mt Greylock? I'll fly right alongside or below and not even think about it. It's apparently a weird me thing.
This guy was parked on the ramp for a little while when I went for a flight Monday morning. Did not get to talk to them to find out why but a little out of the way for a MiG 29. They sit very low to the ground compared to some of our fights. Very cool to see.


Very cool! Being the big baby I am, I've never flown around those, even though they're pretty close. In my mind they're like Charlie Brown's kite eating tree, and I'm the kite. Mt Greylock? I'll fly right alongside or below and not even think about it. It's apparently a weird me thing.
For me the wind at Mt Washington summit needs to be 5 kts or less to go up that way.
Nice short field landing. :yes:


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Nice short field landing. :yes:
My wife sent me that picture with the news story. I have no idea why she sends me all the pics and articles about Arizona plane crashes. It could be to remind me to be careful or that she considers what I do very dangerous. She hates flying, even commercial. Soooo I found an article about someone being paralyzed by falling off a horse and sent it her. She just rolled her eyes
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And then there’s this guy (photoshopping recommended)


Nice day to fly to 1C5.
Last week Dr. B said it'll be several months before we hear back from the FAA. I think I am going to go knock on his door and see if we're there yet.
Real hornet's nest at CMI this evening


They were in town to do a flyover of the Illinois- Michigan game. There were quite a few planes on the ramp, too. Maybe a dozen piston and about the same number of turbines, as well as the charter 737 that brought the team.


My flyover did not create as much excitement

I had a couple missions recently that justified renting the R182, which I hadn't flown since January. I took my uncle Greg for a quick local flight and some pattern work to refamiliarize myself before I stuffed it full of people. Greg logged almost 100 transatlantic crossings as a light aircraft ferry pilot in the 1980s, and then finished out his career flying Caravans for a FedEx feeder. This was my first time having the opportunity to fly with him.

Next up, a family friend from Kenya was visiting the states for the first time - we took him on a scenic tour of the fall colors (and cloud tops) in the Brainerd Lakes area of Minnesota, before putting him on the Amtrak 'Empire Builder' and sending him across the American west to visit friends in Sacramento.

A few days later, a friend invited my wife and I to join him and his wife in attending a food festival a few miles from KANE. He recently earned his Private certificate and was excited to fly us, but we ran the weight & balance figures and it was clear his club's 172 wasn't up to the task. We booked the R182 again - his first exposure (from the right seat) to cowl flaps, the blue knob, and a gear lever.

Greg and I, probably looking at a checklist.

KSTC from right downwind rwy 31.

Lake Sagatagan, Collegeville, MN (St. John's University)

Phil from Nairobi



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Nice! Harvey Field, Stocker Farms, and Swans Farm.