Our move to Texas

Oh, and real Texans don't root for OU... even if you're some other kind of Texan like our friends at A&M, or Baylor, or Tech, or... It's Texas vs Oklahoma, for crying out loud, and for this weekend, the 'Horns represent the state.
Or be a loser like me and root for North Texas.
OR...... you could come up here to Denton with me and the rest of the hippies and drink craft beer listen to good music.
Just left Denton yesterday. Mid 90s. Last year this time it was chilly and rainy. Too much traffic for me.
I am thinking there is a chance we crossed paths. Maybe 4 days ago, I am at my hangar at 52F and I hear this weird sound so I leave the hangar to try and see what I think might be a Piaggio or a space ship and I see some sort of Burt Rutan thing flying right over my field to the north headed to Denton. Best I could tell it was a single engine pusher with the big stab in front.

Were you by chance flying over Aero Valley enroute to Denton on Friday Oct 4th around 10:00 am?
I am thinking there is a chance we crossed paths. Maybe 4 days ago, I am at my hangar at 52F and I hear this weird sound so I leave the hangar to try and see what I think might be a Piaggio or a space ship and I see some sort of Burt Rutan thing flying right over my field to the north headed to Denton. Best I could tell it was a single engine pusher with the big stab in front.

Were you by chance flying over Aero Valley enroute to Denton on Friday Oct 4th around 10:00 am?
Nah wasn’t me but I saw that Long Eze Friday AM when I was leaving the hotel (Embassy Suites). I was heading into DTO for the simulator. We come out every year to do the sim.
Well, now you’re faced with an important life decision. Choose wisely.


I’m 75, so I have seen the full circle of hat styles. The one above labeled Taco was popular when I was an elementary school kid. It was practical for the time because we only had regular cab pickups in those days. With the brim folded up like that, you could fit three cowboys in the cab of a pickup. The George became popular once we had George Strait and crew cab pickups.

Note: If you don’t know who George Strait is, don’t tell anyone and find out fast! If someone finds out, a moving van will show up at your house and a crew will load your stuff, your beautiful dog, your family, and you will be back in Canada within about 48 hours.
Note: If you don’t know who George Strait is, don’t tell anyone and find out fast!

I vividly remember my girlfriend saying she didn't like George Strait. I told her she was wrong. I had serious doubts about our relationship. I then forced her to camp out with me at the Assembly Hall to get front row tickets to see him in concert. She then realized she did, in fact, love George Strait and we've been married 17 years.
OR...... you could come up here to Denton with me and the rest of the hippies and drink craft beer listen to good music.
Denton? I thought the hippies hung out in Austin?
We arrived in Texas this morning and have yet another looooong x-country for the books behind us. This trip was 1,246 NM long, we were in the air for about 9 hours, stopped at 3 airports on the way (one was for customs, otherwise we could have done it with 2 stops), spent 2 nights on the way (could have done 1 night but preferred arriving in Ft. Worth early the next day instead of late the previous day), we overflew one Canadian province and 8 U.S. states and as usual had a ton of fun, especially since this was a flight to actually move to the U.S. instead of just visiting for a vacation. The weather was okay for the most part. More cloudy than expected and forecasted but for most of the flight, we were able to stay above a scattered (and at times broken) layer for cooler and much smoother air.

Just south of lake Erie southwest of Buffalo, NY.

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Our dog, being... our dog lol.

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Somewhere over Arkansas.

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Southeast of Dallas (I think).

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And finally home.

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What brings you to Texas?
In my time in Texas, I usually heard each of those as only two syllables apiece. "Jeetjet?" and "Yawntoo?"
In my part of Texas it was...''Djeeteatyet.??'' ''Naw'' ''Ya'anna.??'' ''Arrr't''

Seems there is some town near central Texas some folks have trouble pronouncing.

So 2 Yankees were driving through and started discussing how to pronounce the name. One was saying, ''MaHAYa'' and the other said it was ''MEXia''.

They agreed to stop at the first place they came up to in town and ask the pronunciation. So they hit town and pulled into the parking lot and went inside. There was a cute little blonde haired blue eyed girl behind the counter. They went up to her and asked, ''Can you slowly say the name of this place.??''

''Why shore, honey'' she said. ''It is called D-a-i-r-y Q-u-e-e-n...''
Now for the important stuff.

One of the best Comanche shops in the country is Clifton Aero, a short hop from your new digs.

I heard. Two of the major Comanche ADs will be due next year (stab horn and gear) so hopefully they'll have time to knock them both out for me.
Okay , I’ll try to help you out since you are politely acclimating.

o Gimme a quart o’ all.
o When you want to invite some one to lunch, start with “didyeatyet?” If they say no, invite them by saying: “yowant to?”
o Flowers are “flaars.”
o Fort Worth is Foat Wurth.”
o There is a little town in East Texas named Bogata that is pronounced “ Bagota.”
o There is a little town South of “Foat Wurth” spelled Rio Vista. The Spanish pronunciation is “Reo Vista.” The nice folks there apparently don’t speak Spanish, so they pronounce it “Riio Vista.”
o In Texas we don’t have vehicles with a silent h. We have “Vee hickles.”
o Many people think we have horses in Texas. There are none, but we do have “hosses.”
o You are not “about to do” whatever…. you are “fixin’ to” do whatever it is.
o You are not “about to drive to” the store….. you are fixin’ to “run” to the store, even though you will be going in your car.

Those should get you started. Welcome to Texas.

I'm somewhat fluent in Texan already. I lived in Texas many moons ago although some of those are new to me. I've been saying "fixin' to" as long as I can remember and find "about to" just weird and wrong. It's fine writing it, but saying it doesn't sound right lol.
What brings you to Texas?

A consulting job. Sunshine. Mild winters. Lower taxes. Everything being bigger. A more homey feeling. I can probably go on for a while if you'd like me to ;-)
He also loves cockroaches, hurricanes, a terrible electrical grid, an antiquated Medicaid program, obnoxious drivers (although those seem to be universal), endless heat, and obnoxiously declaring that he's better than everyone else. I can go on as well.

He also loves cockroaches, hurricanes, a terrible electrical grid, an antiquated Medicaid program, obnoxious drivers (although those seem to be universal), endless heat, and obnoxiously declaring that he's better than everyone else. I can go on as well.


No hurricanes in Dallas. I can deal with Tornadoes (we have them in Canada as well), electricity goes out all the time in Canada as well (snow, rain, little too much wind and power's out), so nothing new to me, health care in the U.S. is expensive but at least there is healthcare. In Canada, you may have to wait years for a surgery, by which time you may be dead already. Many Canadians who can afford it go to the U.S. for faster and better quality medical treatment. Drivers are fine here, Florida takes the cake for worst drivers I think lol. Endless heat, sign me up for that! Declaring to be better than everyone else... no comment lol. I can do without the cockroaches though, also not a big fan of spiders or snakes down here but I'll just try to avoid them as much as possible.
No hurricanes in Dallas. I can deal with Tornadoes (we have them in Canada as well), electricity goes out all the time in Canada as well (snow, rain, little too much wind and power's out), so nothing new to me, health care in the U.S. is expensive but at least there is healthcare. In Canada, you may have to wait years for a surgery, by which time you may be dead already. Many Canadians who can afford it go to the U.S. for faster and better quality medical treatment. Drivers are fine here, Florida takes the cake for worst drivers I think lol. Endless heat, sign me up for that! Declaring to be better than everyone else... no comment lol. I can do without the cockroaches though, also not a big fan of spiders or snakes down here but I'll just try to avoid them as much as possible.
And this is why I didn't stay after college. We have different tastes.
not a big fan of spiders or snakes down here but I'll just try to avoid them as much as possible.
Haha! You have a pool in Texas. Wolf spiders are going to be your new pets.
They are harmless but when You're bored go in your backyard and hold a flashlight to your temple at eye level facing the ground and walk around your backyard. All those little green sparkly things are spider eyes.

Haha! You have a pool in Texas. Wolf spiders are going to be your new pets.
They are harmless but when You're bored go in your backyard and hold a flashlight to your temple at eye level facing the ground and walk around your backyard. All those little green sparkly things are spider eyes.

Those I don’t mind. If they can’t eat me, I happily co-exist with them. I just don’t want to see any tarantulas, black widows or brown recluse spiders.
Spiders are what they are. It's the scorpions you have to watch out for!
When I was a kid, I stepped on a scorpion more than once in Texas. Years later we had friends visiting us, from San Antonio, on our boat in Bonaire. They got in late, and we left their luggage in the cockpit for the night. Next morning there was a female scorpion in the cockpit. We know it was female because after we killed it eggs squirted out.

I have lived almost all of my 62 years in Texas and do not currently own a cowboy hat or boots.
When I was a kid, I stepped on a scorpion more than once in Texas. Years later we had friends visiting us, from San Antonio, on our boat in Bonaire. They got in late, and we left their luggage in the cockpit for the night. Next morning there was a female scorpion in the cockpit. We know it was female because after we killed it eggs squirted out.

I have lived almost all of my 62 years in Texas and do not currently own a cowboy hat or boots.

Your answer is the Plano in your profile. You’re not a real Texan. You’re just a plain ol’ Texan. Just jokin’!

Yes, scorpions are bad news! I am fortunate to not have seen one in years. There was one in the building where I worked adjacent to Addison Airport in the mid eighties. when I think about it, that’s amazing since I spend lots of time in a rural environment. God is looking after me I suppose. On a pain level, those things are nastier than a rattlesnake. Of course I have never heard of a scorpion sting being fatal, so I guess it’s preferable to a rattle snake.
I’ve got a lot of Texan in me. I’m fourth generation, but I have no desire to decorate my airplanes like a cattle truck. In fact, I find that whole decoration mantra to be disgusting.
I agree with you. I bought it for the irony.
Your answer is the Plano in your profile. You’re not a real Texan. You’re just a plain ol’ Texan. Just jokin’!

Yes, scorpions are bad news! I am fortunate to not have seen one in years. There was one in the building where I worked adjacent to Addison Airport in the mid eighties. when I think about it, that’s amazing since I spend lots of time in a rural environment. God is looking after me I suppose. On a pain level, those things are nastier than a rattlesnake. Of course I have never heard of a scorpion sting being fatal, so I guess it’s preferable to a rattle snake.
Does it help that we were living in Ennis when they happened, yes twice. :) It was on the second floor of our house! After the second time I got very careful going to the bathroom during the night. Last time I saw one was on the third story of a hotel in Tuscon about two years ago.
Of the 10 years I lived in Texas I never saw a scorpion. But we always lived in cities.
Oh, I forgot about scorpions. Last time I saw one was in my dorm room in Texas when i was in college. Scary little suckers.
Haha! You have a pool in Texas. Wolf spiders are going to be your new pets.
They are harmless but when You're bored go in your backyard and hold a flashlight to your temple at eye level facing the ground and walk around your backyard. All those little green sparkly things are spider eyes.

The wolfies are coming for you. This proud mother was carrying at least a hundred of her brood, just a few feet from my front door. She was about 2½" in diameter from leg tip to leg tip.

I have otherwise manly man friends that run screaming at the sight of any spider, harmless or not.


Okay , I’ll try to help you out since you are politely acclimating.

o Gimme a quart o’ all.
o When you want to invite some one to lunch, start with “didyeatyet?” If they say no, invite them by saying: “yowant to?”
o Flowers are “flaars.”
o Fort Worth is Foat Wurth.”
o There is a little town in East Texas named Bogata that is pronounced “ Bagota.”
o There is a little town South of “Foat Wurth” spelled Rio Vista. The Spanish pronunciation is “Reo Vista.” The nice folks there apparently don’t speak Spanish, so they pronounce it “Riio Vista.”
o In Texas we don’t have vehicles with a silent h. We have “Vee hickles.”
o Many people think we have horses in Texas. There are none, but we do have “hosses.”
o You are not “about to do” whatever…. you are “fixin’ to” do whatever it is.
o You are not “about to drive to” the store….. you are fixin’ to “run” to the store, even though you will be going in your car.

Those should get you started. Welcome to Texas.
Don't forget to get a rifle rack for the back window of your pickup. Don't need to put a rifle or 2 in the rack, you just need the rack.