Plane loaded with drugs makes emergency landing on Southern California highway

The plane I got my multi in ended up getting destroyed on a drug-running flight. :(
It’s California they don’t define what kind of drugs or contraband… so it could be plastic bags or straws…
They chucked a kilo package of cocaine into the bushes and they had smaller ones on them.
The pilot is a heroin for not hurting anyone.
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Perhaps the “plain view” exemption for search and seizure.

Or the ubiquitous K-9 that will “alert” on a sack of potatoes.
I was pulled over in NE once for 1 (!) over the speed limit on I-80. The officer came on the passenger side. When I rolled the window down, he stuck his head inside (looked like he was going to crawl through the window) and looked over the back of the car (empty). Makes me wonder how they define "plain view":rolleyes:
I got a warning.
Heard the plane had a wing spar crack.
The pattern looked normal to me. There's a downwind leg, a freebase leg, and a needle track on final.
I was on this jury.

Car crash, multiple injuries and vehicles. Traffic at a total standstill, and a K9 officer decided his car was too hot for his dog, there was an overpass a hundred yards ahead, so he walked toward the shade.

The dog stopped, and sat next to a car with three occupants. The officer pulled his dog up, and continued, then turned between two cars, out of view of the suspect car, and radioed for backup from the crash scene. He wanted the backup, not for safety, but expected the occupants to jump and run.

The dog re identified the vehicle, the three occupants were removed, the dog pinpointed the large stash of hard drugs, all were arrested ant the car towed to evidence lot.

All three did time, but the leader had the famous third strike felony drug conviction, and received hard time. He owned the car and drugs, and they were delivering to retail dealers.

The evidence was so good, the jury only deliberated an hour to find him guilty on all charges.

Dogs walking by, and signaling, are all an officer needs for a search. Federal court, in MD
If I ever got dumb enough to try transporting illegal drugs in an airplane that is exactly what my Karma would do to me.
Have an engine failure, followed by forced landing on the freeway right in front of the K9 unit.

This discussion got me thinking, how do the police impound airplanes? Vehicles, obviously get towed to an impound yard. But in this case, how do they impound an airplane? Where does it go? I'm assuming they seized it under Narco Forfeiture laws...

There may not be much left of the airplane by the time they are done impounding it. Likely will call their normal tow company or crane company that likely has no idea what they are doing and are there just to get it off of the road.

Perhaps the high point of the Oceanside police briefing on the incident was when a reporter asked, “how much does a kilo weigh?”

Without the slightest pause, the assistant police chief barked out, “2.2 pounds!” What a metric system beast!
Perhaps the high point of the Oceanside police briefing on the incident was when a reporter asked, “how much does a kilo weigh?”

Without the slightest pause, the assistant police chief barked out, “2.2 pounds!” What a metric system beast!

"One kilogram!" would have been a much better answer. :)
Seems like a couple of dopes will get to blow some time in the joint …
There may not be much left of the airplane by the time they are done impounding it. Likely will call their normal tow company or crane company that likely has no idea what they are doing and are there just to get it off of the road.

Where did your CFII signature go?
I toke a break. I'm back.
I wonder if their ASI was in km/h…….

……kilo-meters per hour
If flying for hire, and considering the long hours, I hope his employer peyote.
A driver on the freeway at the time said he shroomed right by him before touching down.