Got a call from KAPT

Lots of parachute ops there.
Offering me a hangar if still interested…

I’ve been on the list EIGHT years.

Yes, I took it…
We got our call the spring after we sold the airplane. 12 years.
Here at my home drone, we throught we had the funds for another hangar (Shovel ready projects, remember?) Then the city demanded fire suppression. The result may vertical development.

It's the same reason why genZ can't afford apartments. If we keep piling on the requriements, pretty soon demand strips out supply. :(.
Good for you! We’re still on a 45+ person waiting list for a T hangar over here at FGU. Drop by sometime!
That's a hop, skip, and not even a jump from where we are building in a couple years.
That's a hop, skip, and not even a jump from where we are building in a couple years.


You sure your yankee butt is ready for this southern heat? P.S. It ain't a "dry heat"...

You sure your yankee butt is ready for this southern heat? P.S. It ain't a "dry heat"...
Oh, just gonna put in a 24 ton AC unit in the house. :D

Actually we get a little elevation and relief. Avg temp there is only about 1-2 higher in july/august than where we are now, and the heat index this afternoon is 10 degrees lower there than here.

But it's 15-20 degrees warmer in January!
Congrats worth the wait I’m sure. Hoping to be offered a hangar in October ,only been waiting 4 years.
Close to Florida, gulf shores. I have a lot on the TN River about a mile from the airport. And my son lives in the area.
I just got a call yesterday about a t-hangar becoming available at another airport (SBY), an extra 10 minutes from our home. I turned it down - because I've really gotten to like the airport I am at (GED, where there is a 5-year waiting list). GED has two new runways, a great restaurant in the terminal, no control tower, a State Police and Coast Guard presence (unofficial extra security) and a full service FBO. SBY has two runways, a control tower because of scheduled airline service and no restaurant.

I am still on the list at SBY for (maybe) a winter opening. I "may" consider keeping my tiedown and also getting the hangar. There is a local CFI with a spot on our (GED) ramp and also a hangar at SBY. It seems to work well for him. If Biden were to be re-elected I would definitely move to SBY - so I could still fly when he vacations in Rehoboth Beach.
Nice! Supposedly a 2-year wait for a hangar at my home airport in TX. Saw the new airport plan the other day and supposedly they intend to build like 50 more T-hangars and another 10 or so box ones if the 10 year plan is approved. Believe it when I see it. Gulfport was supposedly building a new row of hangars, too, when I left in 22. Still haven't broken ground on those :lol:
Here at my home drone, we throught we had the funds for another hangar (Shovel ready projects, remember?) Then the city demanded fire suppression. The result may vertical development.

It's the same reason why genZ can't afford apartments. If we keep piling on the requriements, pretty soon demand strips out supply. :(.
Ran into this with my commercial building. Lack of city water means it'll cost me an extra 150-200k to put in a system. So now I'm (probably) not building a new shop to be taxed on.

I almost had to put a sprinkler system in my house when I built it in unincorporated lake county. Was just beyond what the fire protection district mandated. They would have made me bore under a the road to get to city water.