Shingles and Flying


Final Approach
Mar 12, 2012
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First Officer
Anyone know anything about flying with shingles and meds to treat? Meds are anti-virus and steroids.
BTDT. It ain't fun!

Be aware that as long as you have visible rash symptoms, you are contagious for chickenpox.

In my case (last December, The discomfort (alright, excruciating pain) of the nerve irritation required serious pain meds which are disqualifying. The itch lasted a couple of weeks after that.

That being said, check the AOPA med pages for whether your meds are disqualifying.
BTDT. It ain't fun!

Be aware that as long as you have visible rash symptoms, you are contagious for chickenpox.

In my case (last December, The discomfort (alright, excruciating pain) of the nerve irritation required serious pain meds which are disqualifying. The itch lasted a couple of weeks after that.

That being said, check the AOPA med pages for whether your meds are disqualifying.

Oh, not MY meds. Its an untrue story that I heard happened to someone else.

...but thanks. ; )
Acyclovir, Famvir, last I looked are okay.
Steroids- Prednisone at less than 20 mgms per day is okay.
If you are still above 20, grounded you are! and I would wait until 3-4 days after you are at 20 mgms and below before you go....
My GP badgered me into getting the shingles vaccine. Less than three months later my 95 year old father came down with shingles - partially brought on by the stress of moving into a nursing home. The scabs basically covered the side of his face where an old style "muttonchop" sideburn would have been, and was inching towards the corner of his eye.

You do not want the shingles to migrate to the optic nerve. :yikes:

VERY VERY fortunately the nursing staff identified it early and got him on the antivirals soon enough, that he had no significant pain from this episode.

Over 60? Pay the $$ and get the vaccine!!!

I'm 40.

...errr, I mean the untrue story I heard happened to someone else...he is 40.
Acyclovir, Famvir, last I looked are okay.
Steroids- Prednisone at less than 20 mgms per day is okay.
If you are still above 20, grounded you are! and I would wait until 3-4 days after you are at 20 mgms and below before you go....

21 total VALACYCLOVIR 1GM (1 GM is on the label. Maybe a typo for 'mg'?) tablets three times daily and a steroid pack consisting of 4mg pills on the following sched:

Day 1: 6
Day 2: 5
Day 3: 4
Day 4: 3
Day 5: 2
Day 6: 1
That's a standard medrol dose pack, for "your friend". So on the line marked, "day2" you are at 20 mgms. 3 days later, on the day in which you take 2 tabs, you are 3 days out and I think ok to go....IF it doesn't affect your eye.
We had flying shingles around here a while back. Turns out they were from a tornado that touched down 40 miles away! :hairraise:

Oh wait....... You meant those kind..
Never mind.:redface:
It takes a special kind of stupidity to want to fly with that sort of pain.

Mrs. Steingar had them awhile back. Couldn't remember if I'd ever had the pox, Mama Steingar is a bit too far gone to give a trustworthy account. Scary time.

One of my associates had a nasty case. Wound up with one eye less and a tilt of the mouth reminiscent of Sylvester Stalone. Shingles are nothing to muck about with.
That's a standard medrol dose pack, for "your friend". So on the line marked, "day2" you are at 20 mgms. 3 days later, on the day in which you take 2 tabs, you are 3 days out and I think ok to go....IF it doesn't affect your eye.

Nowhere near the eye. Down on torso.

It takes a special kind of stupidity to want to fly with that sort of pain.

Mrs. Steingar had them awhile back. Couldn't remember if I'd ever had the pox, Mama Steingar is a bit too far gone to give a trustworthy account. Scary time.

One of my associates had a nasty case. Wound up with one eye less and a tilt of the mouth reminiscent of Sylvester Stalone. Shingles are nothing to muck about with.

Mine are pretty mild. Very little pain. I spoke with my chief pilot and I'm taking the week off due to being contagious. As far as pain goes I could easily fly like this. I just don't want pax to catch chicken pox off me.
Nowhere near the eye. Down on torso.
Not too far down, I hope!:hairraise:

Mine are pretty mild. Very little pain. I spoke with my chief pilot and I'm taking the week off due to being contagious. As far as pain goes I could easily fly like this. I just don't want pax to catch chicken pox off me.
As one who's never had them, I would thank you were I your passenger!
I've learned a lot since I broke out.

1) I can't give anyone 'shingles'. What I can give is chicken pox to someone who's never had them and hasn't been vaccinated against them. There aren't many people out there who have neither had chicken pox or been vaccinated against them. But still, ya never know so I stayed home.

2) my mild case sux. Can't imagine a severe case. Mine are so small you can barely see...but the slightest touch makes them scream! Just my shirt brushing them feels like a needle poking me.
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More info that you really want to know (from WEBMD and the doctor):
The chickenpox virus goes dormant in a nerve trunk as the original chickenpox subsides. At some later time, something wakes it up and it erupts through that trunk. which is why the rash is confined to a specific area. The eruption irritates to traumatizes the entire trunk which is what causes the pain. The degree of irritation/traumatizing determines the level of the pain and the duration of it.

My case erupted the weekend after Thanksgiving. The trunk started just under the hairline at the nape of my neck and "flowed" over my left shoulder as far as the end of the triceps, and down the back and chest to a level even with my armpit.

The pox were huge ugly blisters and covered 30% of the affected area. Calamine spray helped alleviate the itch as the pox began to dry up. The nerve irration was so severe that even oxycontin didn't put it to rest. I could tolerate a t-shirt, but not any pressure on the shoulder. I slept sitting up on the couch for a week to prevent rolling onto that shoulder.

The irritation was slow to abate and even now I can feel some sensitivity when the shower hits that shoulder.
Hospitals don't allow personnel to come to work until the sores are dried, even if in a spot that is covered.

Among those who have not had chicken pox, the case/incidence rate is 100% when exposed to such a situation.
So I'm reading about all of this and wonder how you know if it's shingles. I had a rash with blisters or multiple heads and swelling. My doctor said it's shingles or Mrsa and we will treat to cover both. It's now 8 weeks later and it's coming back in the same place. Does shingles do that?
I had chicken pox when I was in kindergarten. My mom made us wear socks on our hands to keep from scratching. When my kids were 9 mos and 3 yrs, they had chicken pox, and the rest of the family sent their kids to play with ours to get it out of the way.

I'm curious about the wisdom of this (that was 16 years ago). I'm also curious whether I, about 40 years later, could get shingles or chickenpox, or if I should look into vaccination?
Can you get:

Chickenpox? No, you've had them.

Shingles? Yes, because you've had chickenpox.

Vaccination? For CP it's too late but for shingles I've heard they have something to give folks who've had CP to prevent shingles. $200 as I recall.
So I'm reading about all of this and wonder how you know if it's shingles. I had a rash with blisters or multiple heads and swelling. My doctor said it's shingles or Mrsa and we will treat to cover both. It's now 8 weeks later and it's coming back in the same place. Does shingles do that?

I had chicken pox when I was in kindergarten. My mom made us wear socks on our hands to keep from scratching. When my kids were 9 mos and 3 yrs, they had chicken pox, and the rest of the family sent their kids to play with ours to get it out of the way.

I'm curious about the wisdom of this (that was 16 years ago). I'm also curious whether I, about 40 years later, could get shingles or chickenpox, or if I should look into vaccination?

Coincidentally a friend of mine just wrote an article on shingles. I remember reading it recently and wondering if I should get the vaccine. I had chickenpox as a kid.
I am reminded of my bout with shingles. And, I had forgotten to go get that follow-up vaccine. Better do that while I still have medical insurance.
No, it's the door opening on bringing politics into a medical thread.

A: I should get a medical procedure while I still have insurance
B: Therein lies the problem with socialized medicine
C: Insurance isn't 'socialized medicine'. If medicine were socialized then you wouldn't need insurance.
B: Obamacare is going to destroy America.
C: Ah...I don't think so.
A: I just want a Shingles shot.

Like I said...groan.
Not going SZ here so this is all I'll say further about having a "benefit", and using it. The more people have some type of coverage, whether it be private health insurance or a government supplie healthcare benefit, they are going to USE it more. That is all I am saying.
Week 3 singles here.

Pain stopped getting more intense, but still very painful. Times of day are worse or better. After a shower or bath I feel great, but several hours later I’m getting sharp pains, itch, sting. Feels like skin is melting. Most irritating is my nipple. I can’t let anything touch it. Hardly wear shirt if I don’t have to.

I’m out of sick time so I’m back on reserve. I haven’t been called in yet but I’m dreading having to do a 4day, hell even a turn with my chest and back being so sensitive.

No meds. None prescribed. I was just told to “wait it out”.

How much longer does anyone reckon?
My wife had Chicken Pox (once as a child and once in her twenties) and got Shingles. I had Chicken Pox as a child and got the Shingrix vaccine. Second dose laid me low for a day.
I also. And the ofd thing: I was fine for 12 hrs….the had the “febrile reaction”: aches, low grade fever, malaise, and 24 hrs later it was ALL GONE as if a switch were thrown.

And that’s how they describe it, too.
Is there a test to find out if you had chicken pox? I can't remember.

Although, I have had the two doses of the shingles vaccine.
Week 3 singles here.

I’m out of sick time so I’m back on reserve. I haven’t been called in yet but I’m dreading having to do a 4day, hell even a turn with my chest and back being so sensitive.

Does your company offer short term disability insurance, and did you ask if you are eligible?
The timing of this thread popping up again is weird. Had my second shingles vax Thursday. First day, no reaction. Second day sore arm. Day three, fever, chills, and felt miserable for 2 days. So pretty much a PITA. But I've had friends get shingles, and I wouldn't want to go through that at all. So I'm happy with my choice there.

I can't imagine not knowing if you hadn't had chicken pox, unless you were very young. Calamine or other lotion, being quarantined and stuck in bed. I don't remember the event itself, but I do remember the isolation and calamine.