Shingles and Flying

The timing of this thread popping up again is weird. Had my second shingles vax Thursday. First day, no reaction. Second day sore arm. Day three, fever, chills, and felt miserable for 2 days. So pretty much a PITA. But I've had friends get shingles, and I wouldn't want to go through that at all. So I'm happy with my choice there.

I can't imagine not knowing if you hadn't had chicken pox, unless you were very young. Calamine or other lotion, being quarantined and stuck in bed. I don't remember the event itself, but I do remember the isolation and calamine.

Yeah, you wouldn’t forget unless you were really young.
Yeah, you wouldn’t forget unless you were really young.

Hell, I’m 50 and remember having it it elementary school. Still have a scar on my right leg from one of the scabs. Mom said that was my second time, as an infant I got it from a pox party.

Pretty sure varicella vaccine was requires for .mil if no record of it.
Hell, I’m 50 and remember having it it elementary school. Still have a scar on my right leg from one of the scabs. Mom said that was my second time, as an infant I got it from a pox party.

Pretty sure varicella vaccine was requires for .mil if no record of it.

Yep, I remember a friend’s mom asking my mom if she wanted to get me at such a “party”. She actually asked me, and I said “please no” since it was summer, and then i got it that fall and missed a bunch of school. Much better end result :)
I also. And the ofd thing: I was fine for 12 hrs….the had the “febrile reaction”: aches, low grade fever, malaise, and 24 hrs later it was ALL GONE as if a switch were thrown.

And that’s how they describe it, too.
That exactly describes my reaction to both shingles shots.