Airport Courtesy Cars, Last Update 4 years ago!


Line Up and Wait
Sep 13, 2013
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Still here! I just completed a major overhaul of the site with a whole new look. There are well over 2,000 cars listed nationwide, airport cafe's ("in case your car isn't there"), MOGAS locations, pictures and many pilot comments, some that can be quite entertaining. The site is kept up to date by pilots like you who email me additions, corrections, updates and hopefully donations. I hope you find it useful! Glenn .
Awesome! Your site is one of my favorite resources.
I’ve admittedly never been a fan of your website (way too many errors). Sorry but somehow, you’ve made it worse. The mapping feature worked for about 15 seconds on both my iPad and my iPhone, but now won’t show courtesy car maps on either.
I’ve admittedly never been a fan of your website (way too many errors). Sorry but somehow, you’ve made it worse. The mapping feature worked for about 15 seconds on both my iPad and my iPhone, but now won’t show courtesy car maps on either.
Thank you for bringing up the issue of the map clearing out, I wasn't aware and will work with my developer on that. Also, I don't believe I have ever gotten a single correction from you regarding "way too many errors" CFL.
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Must admit I forgot about the web sight. Would have been a great resource for my long cross country . Will ad the sight to my browser.
Great update! Thanks for keeping this alive.
..., I don't believe I have ever gotten a single correction from you regarding "way too many errors" CFL.
Why do you require a user to correct your site? If I use your website, due to the high number of errors, I still have to call the FBO to make sure the information (info that some of which seems to be over a decade old) is still valid. If it's not valid, you expect me to correct you?

Here's a tip for anyone who needs a courtesy car: It's way easier to just "cut out the middleman", skip the courtesy car website and just call the FBO and/or airport manager at one's intended destination. The info is 100% up to date that way as well. Sometimes when there is no car I'm told of other options I had no idea existed, like dial-a-ride, on-site taxi, etc, that the courtesy car website doesn't bother to list. Other times, the FBO will reserve the car for me so it is guaranteed for my use, or they have given me local information that helps with using their car. By not using the site, I've actually improved my courtesy car experiences.
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Why do you require a user to correct your site? If I use your website, due to the high number of errors, I still have to call the FBO to make sure the information (info that some of which seems to be over a decade old) is still valid. If it's not valid, you expect me to correct you?

Here's a tip for anyone who needs a courtesy car: It's way easier to just "cut out the middleman", skip the courtesy car website and just call the FBO and/or airport manager at one's intended destination. The info is 100% up to date that way as well. Sometimes when there is no car I'm told of other options I had no idea existed, like dial-a-ride, on-site taxi, etc, that the courtesy car website doesn't bother to list. Other times, the FBO will reserve the car for me so it is guaranteed for my use, or they have given me local information that helps with using their car. By not using the site, I've actually improved my courtesy car experiences.
I have never ever been able to "reserve" a courtesy car. Every time I have ever asked I was told "First come first serve".
Why do you require a user to correct your site? If I use your website, due to the high number of errors, I still have to call the FBO to make sure the information (info that some of which seems to be over a decade old) is still valid. If it's not valid, you expect me to correct you?

Here's a tip for anyone who needs a courtesy car: It's way easier to just "cut out the middleman", skip the courtesy car website and just call the FBO and/or airport manager at one's intended destination. The info is 100% up to date that way as well. Sometimes when there is no car I'm told of other options I had no idea existed, like dial-a-ride, on-site taxi, etc, that the courtesy car website doesn't bother to list. Other times, the FBO will reserve the car for me so it is guaranteed for my use, or they have given me local information that helps with using their car. By not using the site, I've actually improved my courtesy car experiences.
I don't "require" a user to do anything. You are about 1 in 10,000 to complain about this service. Bye.
Websites are used with a wide variety of devices and web browsers. Your issues other than non up to date data, is something he cannot see, so you need to alert him.

I have had such problems elsewhere, and an email to the site owner has usually fixed the problem.

I have never been able to reserve the courtesy car, "Just call a cab when you get here if the car is out".
Why do you require a user to correct your site? If I use your website, due to the high number of errors, I still have to call the FBO to make sure the information (info that some of which seems to be over a decade old) is still valid. If it's not valid, you expect me to correct you?

Here's a tip for anyone who needs a courtesy car: It's way easier to just "cut out the middleman", skip the courtesy car website and just call the FBO and/or airport manager at one's intended destination. The info is 100% up to date that way as well. Sometimes when there is no car I'm told of other options I had no idea existed, like dial-a-ride, on-site taxi, etc, that the courtesy car website doesn't bother to list. Other times, the FBO will reserve the car for me so it is guaranteed for my use, or they have given me local information that helps with using their car. By not using the site, I've actually improved my courtesy car experiences.
You really do have an axe to grind about a free website, don't you? Is there some personal animosity toward @retpd2001 or what?
Why do you require a user to correct your site?
You are chastising him for inaccuracies, but then you jump to an incorrect conclusion that he requires users to do anything because he mentioned you never did contact him.
I don't know how you got there from here, cause I'm sure you wouldn't just be making stuff up.
I see no reason to whine about the site, but I agree with Country Flier that for me, it seems easier to just call.
You are chastising him for inaccuracies, but then you jump to an incorrect conclusion that he requires users to do anything because he mentioned you never did contact him.
I don't know how you got there from here, cause I'm sure you wouldn't just be making stuff up.
??? He said I've never notified him for the inaccuracies...why would I??? Its not my website, and there are way too many.

You really do have an axe to grind about a free website, don't you? Is there some personal animosity toward @retpd2001 or what?
LOL, yeah, that's me and my axe! Nope, just pointing out the website and it's uselessness. I tried using it a few times, and it was always wrong. Then I started looking at my local fields, and noticed the info for them was wrong as well...out of maybe a dozen local airfields plus trying to use the site at a couple of destinations, the courtesy car website had over a dozen errors showing cars that weren't there, not showing cars that were, etc. So no axe, just pointing out the less than 20% accuracy rate. But hey, it's free!!! (Get what you pay for I guess)

And for those that commented that you've never reserved a courtesy car...maybe start calling ahead...I reserved one (unintentionally, I was only calling to be sure it was still an option, and the FBO said they'd reserve it for me) just a few months ago to fly my mom to dinner for mother's day. When I got there, the lineman even drove it out on the ramp to meet my plane! My mom thought it was quite bougie lol.
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??? He said I've never notified him for the inaccuracies...why would I??? Its not my website, and there are way too many.

LOL, yeah, that's me and my axe! Nope, just pointing out the website and it's uselessness. I tried using it a few times, and it was always wrong. Then I started looking at my local fields, and noticed the info for them was wrong as well...out of maybe a dozen local airfields plus trying to use the site at a couple of destinations, the courtesy car website had over a dozen errors showing cars that weren't there, not showing cars that were, etc. So no axe, just pointing out the less than 20% accuracy rate. But hey, it's free!!! (Get what you pay for I guess)
The website is very clearly and obviously a user-input supported listing. Crowd-sourced. How do you think the information gets on there? Do you expect that the owner (of a free website) has a team of employees that spends all day contacting FBOs and airport managers weekly to get the latest updates?

The entries are full of statements such as "Joe reports there is a Chevy Malibu available. 6/11/23." In multiple places it asks to please send additions or corrections.

It's pretty similar to's fuel price data. And Foreflight for that matter, but of course Foreflight isn't free (and yet still uses user-provided data for fuel price). Heck, it's the same thing with Google Maps and the hours a business is open.

So OF COURSE he asks for help keeping the data current - that's the basic premise of the site. To expect otherwise for a free resource is unreasonable. If you noticed your local airports were wrong, you could have spent a minute sending in corrections, which would have helped out other users.

Whether or not you find the website useful for your operation is a different question. Clearly some do.
When you're doing initial flight planning, which for me often occurs outside the 9-5 window sometime might pick up the phone at a fbo, it's awesome to have resources like this, airnav, and flightsforbites to begin making the initial list of possible stops. On ACC, Glen posts the date of the report, and if it's pretty fresh, you can bet it's accurate. I try to send an update for any courtesy car I use or know about. Crosscheck against the airport website or Facebook page if they have one. Usually a recent report from another pilot means I don't have to wait to call the next day before making my plans.

I can think of several airports that are unattended but provide courtesy cars. Sometimes the airport manager picks up, sometimes they don't.

The map feature works perfectly on my android tablet, and is a nice addition.
Country flyer, I haver read carefully twice, and still do not know which airport(s) provide reserved courtesy cars. A secret deal that only you are allowed to use? Or just too much trouble to type that into this thread, while concentrating on belittling a site that tries to have free information.

Some of us might save some of our time searching to find reserve able cars.
Country flyer, I haver read carefully twice, and still do not know which airport(s) provide reserved courtesy cars. A secret deal that only you are allowed to use? Or just too much trouble to type that into this thread, while concentrating on belittling a site that tries to have free information.

Some of us might save some of our time searching to find reserve able cars.
Like I said, call ahead. Do your own research. You’re as bad as this website expecting others to do your leg work. I’ve personally had a car reserved at Sparta, and Harbor Springs Michigan. I don’t think either airport makes it a regular occurrence to reserve cars, but with both, I called, talked nice to the airport managers, and got both reserved. Oh yeah, I also got one reserved at Gaylord Michigan one time because a friend was in the hospital near there.
At least now we know 3 airports that do reserve crew cars, Sparta, Harbor Springs and Gaylord Michigan.

No use to me personally, as my friend who had a house in Michigan died, but others can use it.

Keeping such secret harms your fellow pilots, as they may pick a different airport, and fail to receive the better treatment, when your favorites may be just as close. I have never called multiple airports to find the best deal on courtesy cars.

Some one may now input that in the free database, and those airports should get a small rise in business, thanks to your assistance.
I'd recommend those that think this is a great resource tell your favorite airports that they should assist in maintaining it. That's mostly how FF stays updated. They make it easy for airports to update their latest prices.
I'd recommend those that think this is a great resource tell your favorite airports that they should assist in maintaining it. That's mostly how FF stays updated. They make it easy for airports to update their latest prices.

I hear what you're saying but overall I disagree (not even specifically with you). I feel that courtesy cars are an honor and privilege that IF it's available, I'm thankful for. imagine that, just because I'm a pilot (a damn good looking one at that), you should give me a car to drive for free?? good lord, THANK you! I personally am not going to plan a trip based on that, especially since typically don't they only give you a car for an hour or a coupl'a hours? I think the most I've ever done is ask an FBO if uber is available in their location. for me, can I uber? can I rent a car? can I walk? then maybe ask about a crew car. I get it, some places are in the middle of nowhere and that might be your only option, I get it. but to expect FBO's to publish and keep up to date if/when/how they're going to give you a FREE CAR TO DRIVE, c'mon, man! I agree with "call 'em and ask", and I would even feel bad about doing that. but that's just me, I'm weird. and I also understand in cases like jim k where if he flies to lunch, the first person out of the crew car is done eating before the last kid gets out of the car.

because jim has a lot of kids...........................
Like I said, call ahead. Do your own research. You’re as bad as this website expecting others to do your leg work. I’ve personally had a car reserved at Sparta, and Harbor Springs Michigan. I don’t think either airport makes it a regular occurrence to reserve cars, but with both, I called, talked nice to the airport managers, and got both reserved. Oh yeah, I also got one reserved at Gaylord Michigan one time because a friend was in the hospital near there.
I have to laugh, all 3 of those airports are listed on my site...
I have to give a big shout out to "CFL", location unknown, for his not so kind criticism of my website. Why? Because he was right! I didn't realize how many older posts I had that were out dated. Since then, I have spent hours updating these locations, and as time goes by, will continue to do so. I believe the site today is as most accurate as it has ever been. And again, if you see an error or a missing location there is a link on the front page to send me an email. Thanks for your support on this forum. Glenn
The website is very clearly and obviously a user-input supported listing. Crowd-sourced. How do you think the information gets on there? Do you expect that the owner (of a free website) has a team of employees that spends all day contacting FBOs and airport managers weekly to get the latest updates?
I have a Facebook Page called Texas Fly-Ins. I do my best to keep it updated, but people still get mad. You didn't list XXXX event or XXXX event was canceled and you didn't take it off of your page.

I've grown tired of this, so I've found it's much easier if they create their own event and I share it. This way if they cancel or move the event, it's automatically updated on my page. I make no profit from this, but I do think it helps promote aviation, so I try. It does get old when people don't appreciate a service you provide for free.
Thanks Jack, that is exactly how I feel. It helps pilots and the businesses they use.
I’ve admittedly never been a fan of your website (way too many errors). Sorry but somehow, you’ve made it worse. The mapping feature worked for about 15 seconds on both my iPad and my iPhone, but now won’t show courtesy car maps on either.
You must be a blast at parties.