Talked to the shop owner/A&P about the issue and relayed what I stated in my initial post w/pictures and everything.
Their view is that the issue cannot be due to any of their adjustments with the cable tension and they believe we have to adjust control rods?
If anyone has any strong opinions on whether that's definitively right or wrong, I'd be much appreciate of hearing them. I don't have the experience working on these systems to speak with any authority.
But I really don't want to go from bad to worse if they do the wrong adjustment to compensate for bad tensions adjustments.
EDIT: Also, I should add they reserved the right to change their mind based on what they see in person tomorrow.
Does the shop have the maintenance and parts manual for the Arrow? If not, I'd go find another shop even if it's not convenient. Section V - Surface Controls. 2A19-2B1 Aileron Controls. Note: The bellcrank rigging tool is another one of those DIY that takes maybe 10 min to fabricate in the shop.
To check and adjust the rigging of the aileron controls, first set the right and left aileron bellcranks
at neutral position. (Ascertain that the control chains have been rigged per paragraph 5-6.) This may
be accomplished by the following procedure:
1. Place tee bar in full forward position. Maintain in this position by use of a suitable tool or by
placing weights on aft side of stabilator if stabilator cables have been previously tensioned.
2. Remove the access plate to each aileron bellcrank located on the underside of the wing.
forward of the inboard end of the aileron by removing the plate attaching screws.
3. Affix a
bellcrank rigging tool, as shown in Figure 5-4, between the forward arm of each
bellcrank and the adjacent rib. (This tool may be fabricated to dimensions given in Figure 5-4.)
The slotted end of the tool fits on the arm forward of. and adjacent to, the primary control cable
end. The other end of the tool is positioned so that the side of the tool contacts the aft side of the
bellcrank stop. The bellcrank must be moved to allow a snug fit of the tool between the
bellcrank arm and rib. To do so. it may be necessary to loosen a primary control cable or the
balance cable. Neutral position of the bellcranks may also be found by locating the centers of
the forward and aft cable connection holes an equal distance from the adjacent inboard wing rib.