Part 61 - Number of CFI's

"Maintain the entry altitude ±100 feet, airspeed ±10 knots, bank ±5°, and roll out on the entry heading ±10°." Or not.

How do you 'Exceed' the standard vs 'Meets'?

Meeting the standard would be as stated.

Exceeds the standard would be altitude +/- 50 feet, bank angle +/-3 degrees and roll out on heading +/-5 degrees.

You can also grade based on stage of training. The first time a student does steep turns they may not meet the PTS standard, but they may do a whole lot better than expected for a 5 hour student.
Meeting the standard would be as stated.

Exceeds the standard would be altitude +/- 50 feet, bank angle +/-3 degrees and roll out on heading +/-5 degrees.

You can also grade based on stage of training. The first time a student does steep turns they may not meet the PTS standard, but they may do a whole lot better than expected for a 5 hour student.
Um... so? The school had 4 grades and only two of them matter: meets or doesn't meet. Everything else is just a way to screw the student out of money.

Since there is a school owner (or employee?) in this thread what is the schools policy? As long as the student is NOT failing they can move on to the next part or stage check.. or they must meet the schools fake standard of 'exceeding'? Add on to that (as I said and most people are ignoring) is that most students are young adults are simply not gong to question authority. The trash 141 schools already have your money and are now hold you to a standard that does not exist.

80% of the drop outs are financial... gee... I don't see a conflict of interest here at all:rolleyes: