Name my dog

We named our cat Schrodinger, and I really really wanted to name the dog Pavlov but SWMBO objected. Since he's an engineer's dog, my other suggestion was Sly Drool but again I was overruled.
My Daughter did that with her cat. Called him Shroddy
Glad he’s willing to visit the kids in their enclosure.

True story.

Years ago we brought home a Doberman puppy ("Dodger"), and the first night home we placed him in a large wire crate in the laundry room at bedtime. Shortly after we went to bed, he started crying and whimpering. We decided to wait and see if he quieted down, and after a half hour or so he became quiet. The next few nights, same thing, crying for 30 to 45 minutes, then quiet for the rest of the night.

Then one night, after the same performance, my wife happened to go downstairs for something or other, and discovered @2-Bit Speed , who was about 5 at the time, with pillow and blanket sleeping on the floor next to the dog crate. He had one arm through the wires resting on a very content sleeping puppy.

We gave up and moved the crate into his room.
I know Archer has already been mentioned and is certainly a worthy name, but have you considered Woodhouse?
True story.

Years ago we brought home a Doberman puppy ("Dodger"), and the first night home we placed him in a large wire crate in the laundry room at bedtime. Shortly after we went to bed, he started crying and whimpering. We decided to wait and see if he quieted down, and after a half hour or so he became quiet. The next few nights, same thing, crying for 30 to 45 minutes, then quiet for the rest of the night.

Then one night, after the same performance, my wife happened to go downstairs for something or other, and discovered @2-Bit Speed , who was about 5 at the time, with pillow and blanket sleeping on the floor next to the dog crate. He had one arm through the wires resting on a very content sleeping puppy.

We gave up and moved the crate into his room.
I grew up in the era when you could put a wind-up alarm clock in a dog’s bed to calm him down. Tried to find one when we got a dog a while back, but they appear to be unavailable. And a digital watch doesn’t have the same effect. ;)
Hank (named after Hank the Cowdog books)
aka Baron Von Hankenstein
aka Barky McShitface

Best dog I ever had. Got a little over 15 years with him.
A Norwegian dog?


Thread closed
Coffee Break

Four men were bragging how smart their dogs were. The first was an engineer who said his dog could draw. His dogs name was "T-Square", and he told him to get some paper and draw a square, a circle and a triangle, which he did with no sweat. The accountant said he thought his dog, "Balance", could do better. He told him to fetch a dozen cookies and divide them into piles of three, which he did with no problem. The chemist said that was a very good stunt, but that his dog, "Apothecary", could do better yet. He told his dog to get a quart of milk and pour seven ounces into a ten ounce glass. Apothecary did this without a hitch. All three men agreed their dogs were equally smart. They turned to the Civil Servant and asked him what his dog could do. The Civil Servant called his dog, whose name was "Coffee Break", and said, "Show the fellows what you can do, old buddy." Coffee Break then strolled over and ate the cookies, drank the milk, crapped on the paper, sexually assaulted the other three dogs and claimed he injured his back while doing so. He then filed a grievance for unsafe conditions, applied for Workers Compensation, and left for home on sick leave.
Could use the name "Bob" as in Bob Barker ... especially if he won't shut up! :biggrin:
My wife is on the way home with a dog. Male Norwegian Elkhound. Said dog needs a name. I suggested "Eman1200", but Teresa says no. Her suggestion was "Malcom"(Reynolds). I also suggested "Archer", which the 11 year old really likes. The oldest suggested "Doc" which is my favorite so far, and the nine year old is really set on "Boeing" for some reason.

Name must be no more than two syllables and yellable. Bonus points for aviation-tangent names. Not doing "Cessna", "Beech", or "Mooney". "Piper" feels too girly.

Puppers in question:
View attachment 129823
Awesome pooch!! My Aussie / Border collie who turned 11 last Feb. was going to be CAVU, but a maintenance shop in our area beat me to the name 10.5 years ago. I also was thinking may be Ratchet or Sprocket
How about "Fenton".

This has the benefit of some kind soul already having made the video of your dog doing Elkhound stuffs.

Lol. Funny thing about elkhounds; they were bred to hunt elk, as the name would suggest. Of course, an elk could easily stomp a 50lb dog to death. The strategy was for the dog to run around the elk in circles and bark at it, causing the elk to stand in one spot, and alerting the hunter. They instinctually do this. Whereas most dogs will attack a squirrel, rabbit, or raccoon, an elkhound will dance around it and bark until their human comes and does something about it. This is great fun at 2am, as you might imagine.
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My wife is on the way home with a dog. Male Norwegian Elkhound. Said dog needs a name. I suggested "Eman1200", but Teresa says no. Her suggestion was "Malcom"(Reynolds). I also suggested "Archer", which the 11 year old really likes. The oldest suggested "Doc" which is my favorite so far, and the nine year old is really set on "Boeing" for some reason.

Name must be no more than two syllables and yellable. Bonus points for aviation-tangent names. Not doing "Cessna", "Beech", or "Mooney". "Piper" feels too girly.

Puppers in question:
How about Shep?
Lol. Funny thing about elkhounds; they were bred to hunt elk, as the name would suggest. Of course, an elk could easily stomp a 50lb dog to death. The strategy was for the dog to run around the elk in circles and bark at it, causing the elk to stand in one spot, and alerting the hunter. They instinctually do this. Whereas most dogs will attack a squirrel, rabbit, or raccoon, an elkhound will dance around it and bark until their human comes and does something about it. This is great fun at 2am, as you might imagine.
So a bay breed?

I'm good with the pointing breeds. Doesn't bark. Won't move when on point until whatever she's on flushes. She's got all day and will just stand there quivering. No matter how much I'm yelling at her from 10 feet away. Laser focus....until I beep her Garmin e collar. Then she'll relent.
Kareem Fahmi on the old Red Board used to have a dog named Flaps. I always thought that was a cool dog name, particularly when you call out “Flaps Up!” Or “Flaps Down!”
I have two Roomba's, one upstairs is named Buffalo Bill, and one for the basement is Catherine.

I need more friends.
I have two Roomba's, one upstairs is named Buffalo Bill, and one for the basement is Catherine.

I need more friends.
We had a roomba in our previous house but it got depressed and locked itself in the bathroom.
I have two Roomba's, one upstairs is named Buffalo Bill, and one for the basement is Catherine.

I need more friends.
We have Broomhilda and Dirty Harry.

"I've got lots of good friends, I don't need any more."
or is it...
"I've got lots of good friends I don't need anymore."

and Agent Orange in the morning
We have Broomhilda and Dirty Harry.

"I've got lots of good friends, I don't need any more."
or is it...
"I've got lots of good friends I don't need anymore."

and Agent Orange in the morning
Had you been hearing voices in the night?
Still no doggie vids? C’mon, I wanna like and subscribe!
My “Good Neighbor Don” had 3 dogs all with different names. 3 different breeds but all answered to the same name.
“Turd Hound”.
As in “Turd hound down”, “Turd hound sit” ,”Turd hound quiet.”
A remarkable set of well named , obedient dogs.
Now for the cat lovers, Mrs. K brought home these adorable fluffballs a couple days ago:

20240811_175151 (1).jpg

Please welcome, L to R (I think, I can't tell the three orange ones apart):

Ripon, Pickett, Fisk, & Oshkosh

(stolen from a John Wayne movie, admittedly a western - but the aviation relation could be whatever aircraft you consider to be a dog)
Growing up my uncle had a dog name Cane sounded like Con-nay. I was very young and asked why did you give him a girls name, he replied Cane is dog in italian. Hmmmm......ok.
Dog treats?
It's actually been fun introducing them. The kittens hiss and swipe and Tango is so excited to play he pees on the floor.
I'm feeling old because no one mentioned it, but Art Scholl had a dog named Aileron who would jump in the plane for his routine.

And Art pulled an incredible amount of Gs