Finding approaches based on type

Initial Fix

Cleared for Takeoff
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Jul 10, 2019
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Initial Fix
I know I’ve seen this before and can’t remember how ….. I’m looking for a way to find approaches based on certain criteria. Specifically, ILS approach to a non towered airport. Why? I want to practice with my new panel on my own, and not be in the system.
I think you will be hard pressed to find an ILS at a non-towered airport. There used to be some LOC approaches at non-towered airports in my region, but even those seemed to have been decommissioned.
I think you will be hard pressed to find an ILS at a non-towered airport. There used to be some LOC approaches at non-towered airports in my region, but even those seemed to have been decommissioned.
Just off the top of my head in MI: IMT IWD CMX ESC CIU PLN OSC MBL BIV BEH
There are still quite a few ILS approaches to uncontrolled airports.

Or, of course, any towered field that closes at night would be uncontrolled at that time.

But how to search for them? That's the trick, I don't know of any such method.
There are still quite a few ILS approaches to uncontrolled airports.

Or, of course, any towered field that closes at night would be uncontrolled at that time.

But how to search for them? That's the trick, I don't know of any such method.
I could probably write a script that pulls from airport data files.
I think you will be hard pressed to find an ILS at a non-towered airport. There used to be some LOC approaches at non-towered airports in my region, but even those seemed to have been decommissioned.
Really? Where are you located? Maybe a half dozen that are not even a countable cross country from my nontowered with ILS home base.
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I know I’ve seen this before and can’t remember how ….. I’m looking for a way to find approaches based on certain criteria. Specifically, ILS approach to a non towered airport. Why? I want to practice with my new panel on my own, and not be in the system.
Are you looking locally or is this for a simulation?
I think you will be hard pressed to find an ILS at a non-towered airport. There used to be some LOC approaches at non-towered airports in my region, but even those seemed to have been decommissioned.

I know Quincy Il KUIN is one. I was looking for a way to search for others
How did you do that ? Seriously, that was the question.
Went to ForeFlight, tapped on nontowered airports near UIN, looked at the procedure/approach tab. Can probably do that with any EFB or even a site like SkyVector in much less time than this thread has been alive. :D
Went to ForeFlight, tapped on nontowered airports near UIN, looked at the procedure/approach tab. Can probably do that with any EFB or even a site like SkyVector in much less time than this thread has been alive. :D

Foreflight. I don’t subscribe to that EFB.

Skyvector doesn’t seem to search that way. FAA web tools don’t appear to search that way.

I guess I’m back to old school scripts into the faa database.
Foreflight. I don’t subscribe to that EFB.

Skyvector doesn’t seem to search that way. FAA web tools don’t appear to search that way.

I guess I’m back to old school scripts into the faa database.
It wasn’t a search. It was looking at the airport you mentioned on a map and tapping a few others near it. Nothing more sophisticated than that. And I can do it in SkyVector almost as fast as ForeFlight. A bit faster actually. Fewer steps.

Or spend an hour writing a script to find what you can manually in 5 minutes.
It wasn’t a search. It was looking at the airport you mentioned on a map and tapping a few others near it. Nothing more sophisticated than that. And I can do it in SkyVector almost as fast as ForeFlight. A bit faster actually. Fewer steps.
That’s basically what I was doing when I started the thread. When I read your reply it sounded like you had a more elegant technique.
That’s basically what I was doing when I started the thread. When I read your reply it sounded like you had a more elegant technique.
Not elegant. Just efficient if looking locally. That’s why I asked the first question.

Looking more broadly without building something, I’d probably go to the IFP Gateway, use the advanced search to get all the ILS approaches in a state or region and start crossing towered airports off the list manually.

A little more limited? Try Airnav’s advanced search. It lets you limit it to “precision approaches.” I haven’t done it in years so I don’t know if it includes RNAV with LPV mins these days, and you’ll still have to look to see whether towered or not, but it’s a start.

Or ask one of our query script gurus for assistance.
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Another way to do the same thing ( the flight, not the search ) is to set up near the initial fix of the ILS and ask the tower for a landing/option. They will likely clear you for a straight in and you can just fly the ILS. No need to be in the "system". Good to listen to approach ahead of time to make sure you're not interfering with someone in the system. That last part is going to be true, tower or no tower.
Another way to do the same thing ( the flight, not the search ) is to set up near the initial fix of the ILS and ask the tower for a landing/option. They will likely clear you for a straight in and you can just fly the ILS. No need to be in the "system". Good to listen to approach ahead of time to make sure you're not interfering with someone in the system. That last part is going to be true, tower or no tower.
We do it, but self-NAV for approaches loses a lot (even VFR practice approaches with ATC loses a bit of reality). Personally, I limit it to nontowered airports and always use Approach for towered fields, although there are probably a few where it doesn't really matter.
We do it, but self-NAV for approaches loses a lot (even VFR practice approaches with ATC loses a bit of reality). Personally, I limit it to nontowered airports and always use Approach for towered fields, although there are probably a few where it doesn't really matter.
I don't understand the downside of talking to approach. @Initial Fix are you just wanting to concentrate on the panel without dealing with the radio?

At my sleepy class C they'll pretty much give you anything you ask, including opposite direction unless there's traffic in the pattern. Full approaches, published missed... no problem. It does help that our tracon is on the field. I could see being less inclined to talk if I was dealing with a big regional approach or a center.
@Jim K I think I know the Class C your thinking of; I didn't realise it was that sleepy. But you pretty much nailed it. I want to fly the approaches without dealing with ATC so I can just more easily futz around. I am getting very comfortable with the 750xi/500/G3x, I'm just working to build more muscle memory with practice - especially the ILS. The fields near me with an ILS are rather busy, and only one is sutible for multiple practice approaches due to lower traffic.
@Jim K I think I know the Class C your thinking of; I didn't realise it was that sleepy. But you pretty much nailed it. I want to fly the approaches without dealing with ATC so I can just more easily futz around. I am getting very comfortable with the 750xi/500/G3x, I'm just working to build more muscle memory with practice - especially the ILS. The fields near me with an ILS are rather busy, and only one is sutible for multiple practice approaches due to lower traffic.
It helps that our controllers are used to the flight school wanting to do all kinds of practice approaches, so they have lots of practice sequencing piston airplanes around to get everyone what they want. I think there's 4 121 flights per day and single digit biz-jet traffic. I'm spoiled because clearance will take your practice approach requests on the radio and give you an IFR clearance to fly them. I asked them if filing made things easier, but they said they'd rather put it in manually. :dunno:

MTO and DNV are uncontrolled fields with ILS in my neighborhood. Both controlled by CMI as well. I use DNV a lot as the fuel is always cheap. DEC still has an ILS backcourse approach, and CMI has a real-life DME arc to a VOR which is fun to do on occasion. We even still have an NDB approach, but I've never flown a plane with a working ADF.
I actually wrote a Perl script that pulls from but it's been so long that I don't remember exactly what it does :)
A Perl script that you don’t remember exactly what it does? What did you call it, ChatGPT 0.1?

You can also look at sectional chart and there's a good chance that airports with class E surface area have an ILS.
That’s probably the fastest way to do it. Or think about nearby cities of less than maybe 30,000 population that have scheduled airline service.
I don't understand the downside of talking to approach
Depends where and for what. I spent 20 years in Denver and never once did a practice approach without ATC, whether the destination was towered or not. The same was true when I did my instrument training out of a nontowered airport near BDL.

Where I am now, it's more common to go without unless using one of the towered airports or Class Cs. I wondered, as you do, why not? Having used ATC a few times for "realism," I understand. The few times I've tried, it's been disappointing. They didn't seem to want to be bothered. In one, I asked for vectors for the ILS. The response was, "altitude at your discretion." Really? Basically, they didn't care. If you listen to Opposing Bases, they are forever dissing "Duke" about not knowing how to do practice approaches. Not quite that bad, but it's so hit or miss that one might as well wait until you practice under IFR. Or go a little further where the controllers are a little more accommodating.
Depends where and for what. I spent 20 years in Denver and never once did a practice approach without ATC, whether the destination was towered or not. The same was true when I did my instrument training out of a nontowered airport near BDL.

Where I am now, it's more common to go without unless using one of the towered airports or Class Cs. I wondered, as you do, why not? Having used ATC a few times for "realism," I understand. The few times I've tried, it's been disappointing. They didn't seem to want to be bothered. In one, I asked for vectors for the ILS. The response was, "altitude at your discretion." Really? Basically, they didn't care. If you listen to Opposing Bases, they are forever dissing "Duke" about not knowing how to do practice approaches. Not quite that bad, but it's so hit or miss that one might as well wait until you practice under IFR. Or go a little further where the controllers are a little more accommodating.
Yeah, as I mentioned above, I'm learning that I've been really spoiled here at CMI. Our ATC is, for the most part, awesome, hangars are relatively cheap, and the shop on the field is great. The GA trifecta.
Another example is using a satellite airport under Daytona approach control. ERAU and several other large schools have a ton of planes in the airspace and it's just busy as can be. Asking for a practice approach that's not part of a instrument flight plan is not likely to happen. Yes you miss the discipline of being vectored, but on the other hand you can practice all the buttonology.
A Perl script that you don’t remember exactly what it does? What did you call it, ChatGPT 0.1?
More like 0.0.1, if it were written in Python/PyTorch.

But all this chatter made me dig it up. Turns out it's a shell (bash) script and not Perl. Here it is (edited down for ILS, since that's what the OP wanted).

let OFFSET=0
while : ; do
  YYMM=`date +%y%m -d-"$OFFSET"month`
  let CYC=$YYMM+1
  echo trying $CYC
  wget -qO-$CYC/xml_data/d-tpp_Metafile.xml | xmllint --format - > d-TPP.xml
  grep -q digital_tpp d-TPP.xml && break

#CONUS filter
sed "/<state_code ID=.AK/,/<.state_code>/d;\
     /<state_code ID=.HI/,/<.state_code>/d;\
     /<state_code ID=.VI/,/<.state_code>/d;\
     /<state_code ID=.PR/,/<.state_code>/d;\
     /<state_code ID=.XX/,/<.state_code>/d" d-TPP.xml > conus.xml

echo -n "Airports with procedures: "
grep -e ident conus.xml | wc -l

echo "(" `grep -e ident conus.xml | grep military=.M | wc -l` " military)"

echo -n "Airports with ILS: "
grep -e ident -e "chart_name.*GPS" -e chart_name.ILS conus.xml  | grep -B1 -A1 name.ILS | grep ident | grep -v military=.M | sed 's/.*icao_ident="\(....\)".*/\1/' | sed 's/.*apt_ident="\([^"]*\)".*/\1/' | paste -sd ' '
This website should show where ILS 's are

More like 0.0.1, if it were written in Python/PyTorch.

But all this chatter made me dig it up. Turns out it's a shell (bash) script and not Perl. Here it is (edited down for ILS, since that's what the OP wanted).

let OFFSET=0
while : ; do
  YYMM=`date +%y%m -d-"$OFFSET"month`
  let CYC=$YYMM+1
  echo trying $CYC
  wget -qO-$CYC/xml_data/d-tpp_Metafile.xml | xmllint --format - > d-TPP.xml
  grep -q digital_tpp d-TPP.xml && break

#CONUS filter
sed "/<state_code ID=.AK/,/<.state_code>/d;\
     /<state_code ID=.HI/,/<.state_code>/d;\
     /<state_code ID=.VI/,/<.state_code>/d;\
     /<state_code ID=.PR/,/<.state_code>/d;\
     /<state_code ID=.XX/,/<.state_code>/d" d-TPP.xml > conus.xml

echo -n "Airports with procedures: "
grep -e ident conus.xml | wc -l

echo "(" `grep -e ident conus.xml | grep military=.M | wc -l` " military)"

echo -n "Airports with ILS: "
grep -e ident -e "chart_name.*GPS" -e chart_name.ILS conus.xml  | grep -B1 -A1 name.ILS | grep ident | grep -v military=.M | sed 's/.*icao_ident="\(....\)".*/\1/' | sed 's/.*apt_ident="\([^"]*\)".*/\1/' | paste -sd ' '
Great bash script. If I’m reading correctly it provides all ILS for whatever state it’s edited to support (Alaska and others in the shown script ) So I’d just need to add the additional filter for no tower
Great bash script. If I’m reading correctly it provides all ILS for whatever state it’s edited to support (Alaska and others in the shown script ) So I’d just need to add the additional filter for no tower
Opposite of what you said. The /d at the end of the sed is for delete. It’s everything except those states. The name of the file “conus.xml” is also a clue.
I use the FAA IFP Information Gateway Search site

To find a conventional approach near me, I select the Advanced Search and select the state, most recent TPP date, only check IAP, and enter search text for the title of the procedure.

So a search on Illinois, TPP 5/16/2024, IAP, "ILS or" yields 55 results. Changing the search to "VOR" yields 28 entries, "NDB" yields 8. If you want all the approaches in the state, leave the text blank, this yields 369 IAP. You can download the search results to a CSV and sort the results by the various types or columns.
This website should show where ILS 's are

Keep in mind that this website is infrequently updated, which I think might have been one of the reasons I wrote the script.
Opposite of what you said. The /d at the end of the sed is for delete. It’s everything except those states. The name of the file “conus.xml” is also a clue.
Adding -n between sed and the double-quote then changing the /d to /p should invert the CONUS filter.
Here is a site that will get you a map of all approaches sorted by type. It won't give you non-towered ILS, but it should be fairly easy to click through them to find the one you need.
Here is a site that will get you a map of all approaches sorted by type. It won't give you non-towered ILS, but it should be fairly easy to click through them to find the one you need.
That's the same site cited in post #31. And I'll re-iterate my reply to that: Keep in mind that it is infrequently updated.
Look in Section 4 of your areas Chart Supplement for Minimum Operational Network.
I know I’ve seen this before and can’t remember how ….. I’m looking for a way to find approaches based on certain criteria. Specifically, ILS approach to a non towered airport. Why? I want to practice with my new panel on my own, and not be in the system.
Another IL airport with an ILS and no tower is Galesburg.