Is Dan Gryder the biggest asset to aviation on youtube?

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About 20(wag) yrs ago, there was an online figure (whose name I can't remember) who took umbrage to anything people were saying against the written productions by his online persona. (and a LOT of people were pretty upset by what he was saying)
He sued someone, (my memory says maybe Avweb was involved?) and after that many of the chats/forums were prohibiting discussion of his name or controversial writings for fear he'd sue them.
Thought the same might happen here.
Who can recall the details?
Zoom Campbell?
About 20(wag) yrs ago, there was an online figure (whose name I can't remember) who took umbrage to anything people were saying against the written productions by his online persona. (and a LOT of people were pretty upset by what he was saying)
He sued someone, (my memory says maybe Avweb was involved?) and after that many of the chats/forums were prohibiting discussion of his name or controversial writings for fear he'd sue them.
Thought the same might happen here.
Who can recall the details?
Zoom Campbell?

I was one of the 15 people he sued in ~1997 for "Conspiracy to Defame." My co-defendants:

Vernon Barr (Former writer for Campbell)
Daniel Grunloh (Involved with EAA ultralights, but not, I think, actually an EAA staffer)
David Hyde (Who undoubtedly came to a bad end as a POA moderator)
Richard R. Ilfeld
Happy Miles (Former advertiser in Campbell's magazine)
John Ousterhout
William Grant Phillips (Badwater Bill)
Charlie Porter (Former employee, IIRC)
Richard Riley (former advertiser)
Bill Robie (assistant professor at an East coast college)
Chuck Sluszarcyk (former advertiser)
Alan Staats (former employee, I believe)
Walt Troyer (another former employee, if I remember correctly)
Ronald James Wanttaja (former writer for Campbell - only one article, though)
Tony Pucillo, who had sued Campbell for libel and civil RICO. Campbell's suit was a countersuit, adding the above names to the suit. Pucillo died of lung disease before his case came to trial.

As you see, over half of the above folks had some sort of connection to Campbell, such as a former employee, writer, or advertiser. The rest were people who merely commented on an ongoing controversy.

All the counter-defendants were dismissed due to improper service or the fact that Florida judicial policy did not allow adding defendants to an existing lawsuit without the judge's permission...which Campbell never got. He was given six months to re-serve me, for example, and never did. This suit was intended ONLY for harrassment.

The ironic thing here is that this was intended to silence his adversaries...which it didn't. Good golly, did it NOT silence people. It falsely accused 15 people of conspiracy...which meant us 15 people would be allowed to coordinate our defenses.....

Ron Wanttaja
I think is great.

You guys need to get with it
If you're talking about Avweb being sued, it wasn't Zoom, but "aviation" attorney Arthur Wolk.

Years ago, I got called into our CEO's office. Zoom had called him ranting about me and wanting the name of our corporate attorney, yada, yada. I explained the goofball to the CEO and he suggested if I was going to poke at the guy I use a personal account (this was back when I did everything from my work account).
I just read through the Angelle vs. Gryder case text Also, going out of your way to appeal a restraining order seems remarkably unhinged.
Well, there are definitely some impact to having the protective order in place. It makes him specifically barred from possessing firearms.
Also makes me wonder about Gryder's so-called attorney here.
Well, there are definitely some impact to having the protective order in place. It makes him specifically barred from possessing firearms.
Also makes me wonder about Gryder's so-called attorney here.
Do you have the actual protective order? That's not mentioned in the appeal order.
Do you have the actual protective order? That's not mentioned in the appeal order.
Nope, but it doesn't matter. Federal law makes the fact that there is a protective order disqualifying (even when the order doesn't mention firearms).
Only in cases of intimate physical violence, none of which was alleged here.
That was my interpretation as well: basically his only penalty was to stay away from her, and he found that situation objectionable. IANAL, so maybe probably I'm missing something.
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That was my interpretation as well: basically his only penalty was to stay away from her, and he found that situation objectionable. IANAL, so maybe probably I'm missing something.
He was ordered to stay away from a certain airport that he'd said he didn't care about and then said he has business at.
I'm not supposed to be with 300 feet of a school... or a Chuck E. Cheese.
New development in regard to the Cook lawsuit. I would guess Dan Gryder’s latest “emergency appeal” video posted within the last 2 or 3 days has landed him in deep doodoo with a Texas judge. If you missed it it is probably because he pulled it immediately. In the video he appealed to his subscribers to post an email to the judge’s inbox, and provided them with the judge’s specific email address saying…”done”, in order to meet an urgent midnight deadline court requirement. Tens of thousands of emails to his honor’s inbox. His honor may not appreciate such fan mail.
Whats the purpose of the email?
Gryder was contesting the injustice of a million dollar judgment imposed upon him for slandering another man by posting nefarious charges on his YouTube channel Probable Cause. The emails were to impress the judge with the massive support of Gryder’s subscribers in protesting Dan’s legal dilemma. That the case against him should be dismissed.
Gryder was contesting the injustice of a million dollar judgment imposed upon him for slandering another man by posting nefarious charges on his YouTube channel Probable Cause. The emails were to impress the judge with the massive support of Gryder’s subscribers in protesting Dan’s legal dilemma. That the case against him should be dismissed.
Many of you are probably asking yourselves, “Is that how the legal system works?” The answer is, of course, yes. This is exactly how it works. When you have a deadline to file something that explains to the judge and to the other side of the case what the law and the evidence mean, it’s important to instead arrange for thousands of strangers to send messages directly to the judge to say that it isn’t fair for you to abide by the law. Judges appreciate this a great deal and frequently decide cases in favor of the person who has been the most blatantly underhanded and obnoxious. It’s in the Magna Carta.
Many of you are probably asking yourselves, “Is that how the legal system works?” The answer is, of course, yes. This is exactly how it works. When you have a deadline to file something that explains to the judge and to the other side of the case what the law and the evidence mean, it’s important to instead arrange for thousands of strangers to send messages directly to the judge to say that it isn’t fair for you to abide by the law. Judges appreciate this a great deal and frequently decide cases in favor of the person who has been the most blatantly underhanded and obnoxious. It’s in the Magna Carta.
Many of you are probably asking yourselves, “Is that how the legal system works?” The answer is, of course, yes. This is exactly how it works. When you have a deadline to file something that explains to the judge and to the other side of the case what the law and the evidence mean, it’s important to instead arrange for thousands of strangers to send messages directly to the judge to say that it isn’t fair for you to abide by the law. Judges appreciate this a great deal and frequently decide cases in favor of the person who has been the most blatantly underhanded and obnoxious. It’s in the Magna Carta.
Not to mention the law clerk(s) really enjoy reading 10000+ emails and summarizing the contents with appropriate citations for His Honor to reflect upon before the rendering judgement upon the perpetrator of this avalanche of irrational blather.
NFW. There are 10’s of 1000’s of people dumb enough to do that?
There are lots of YouTube videos of people who are dumb enough to claim that police and courts don't have jurisdiction over them. And when the judge overrules their objections, they just keep interrupting and repeating the same objections over and over again. There is no shortage of gullibility in the world.
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There are lots of YouTube videos of people who are dumb enough to claim that police and courts don't have jurisdiction over them. And when the judge rules overrules their objections, they just keep interrupting and repeating the same objections over and over again. There is no shortage of gullibility in the world.
I gotta say, I would find it very "on brand" if Dan turned out to be a sovereign citizen.
Off topic, but I think the sovereign citizen defense needs a funnier name. I suggest we call it the Squeaky Fromme defense. The details are a little different, but more or less it's the same thing.
Off topic, but I think the sovereign citizen defense needs a funnier name. I suggest we call it the Squeaky Fromme defense. The details are a little different, but more or less it's the same thing.
They don't like to be called sovereign citizens anymore, although it's the same delusional narrative.
Are you saying that there is a sovereign citizens solidarity movement? Is that like a dress code at the nonconformist club?
There is definitely a uniformity in the arguments they use!
I saw that video the other day and was blown away with how many commenters were emailing a Judge thinking they were helping this man. What deep doo doo is he in I have not seen any follow up? Desperation must be setting in for him to post this video asking the masses for help. There was a couple comments from lawyers stating to delete this video right now, it can get you in trouble. I guess it did.
I saw that video the other day and was blown away with how many commenters were emailing a Judge thinking they were helping this man. What deep doo doo is he in I have not seen any follow up? Desperation must be setting in for him to post this video asking the masses for help. There was a couple comments from lawyers stating to delete this video right now, it can get you in trouble. I guess it did.
The stupidity of people has stopped surprising me at this point.

I was at work recently and a coworker was trying to sell me on fake Apollo missions and 9/11 was the CIA. Well educated, former pointy jet guy and airline captain. Yet he was deep down the rabbit hole of internet conspiracies.

Some non-pilot aviation fanboy believing in Dans BS is not surprising at all.
fake Apollo missions
Explain how the moon landings were real, but the whole Saturn IV rocket thing was a coverup for the UFO technology that we combined from the Nazi's (captured from U234 which was on it's way to Japan) and the Roswell vehicle that was really used to get to the moon.
And, of course, we knew about Pearl Harbor because we had broken the Japanese code but let it happen to give us an excuse to get into WW-II before the Nazi's could fully exploit the UFO technology we had learned about from spies at the 1936 Olympics at Nuremberg.
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Explain how the moon landings were real, but the whole Saturn IV rocket thing was a coverup for the UFO technology that we combined from the Nazi's (captured from U234 which was on it's way to Japan) and the Roswell vehicle that was really used to get to the moon.
And, of course, we knew about Perl Harbor because we had broken the Japanese code but let it happen to give us an excuse to get into WW-II before the Nazi's could fully exploit the UFO technology we had learned about from spies at the 1936 Olympics at Nuremberg.

Nah... Moon landings were faked. They were filmed in a studio on Mars. :smilewinkgrin:
Explain how the moon landings were real, but the whole Saturn IV rocket thing was a coverup for the UFO technology that we combined from the Nazi's (captured from U234 which was on it's way to Japan) and the Roswell vehicle that was really used to get to the moon.
And, of course, we knew about Perl Harbor because we had broken the Japanese code but let it happen to give us an excuse to get into WW-II before the Nazi's could fully exploit the UFO technology we had learned about from spies at the 1936 Olympics at Nuremberg.
You must have met the guy as well. Lol
You must have met the guy as well. Lol
And then, there is the secret Nazi base in Antarctica.
And Crop Circles - they were faked by NASA to gauge the public reaction to contact with the space aliens that NASA was working with.

Once you are up to speed on all this, you can chit-chat all day long.
I love these conversations. "Nah, crop circles were faked to draw attention to the northern hemisphere while the actual alien landing operations were conducted in Australia."

"Pyramids? Not aliens. That part of Africa was initially underwater. The pyramids were built by an underwater species most would call Antlanteans."

"Black Death? First large-scale alien landing. It wiped out so many people because the disease was foreign to Earth."

I just love it. I have so much fun with these people. lol :yesnod:
On another forum I frequent, there are two members that vigorously assert the moon landings were fake. Much of their obsession is with communications and video. The thread is something like 30 pages, and those that rebut the nonsense are continually entertained.

As one might suspect, the posts I make about the Unified S-Band scheme and video scanning rate conversions are just a waste of time, but it is an amusing waste of time.
it's really just an offshoot of 2-sigma-right people on the gratuitous contrarian spectrum of impulsivity. To wit, there's quite a bit of grift opportunities for people who identify that predisposition in the usual suspects, and exploit it. Many o' radio (now social media) personalities have made and continue to make a lucrative living exploiting that, dare I say, mental pathology of the demographic in question.

Some have ended up in court recently as well, for creating material harm to bystander casualties by the actions of the zombies they stoke for money. Incitement has never been a victimless crime.
Explain how the moon landings were real, but the whole Saturn IV rocket thing was a coverup for the UFO technology that we combined from the Nazi's (captured from U234 which was on it's way to Japan) and the Roswell vehicle that was really used to get to the moon.
And, of course, we knew about Pearl Harbor because we had broken the Japanese code but let it happen to give us an excuse to get into WW-II before the Nazi's could fully exploit the UFO technology we had learned about from spies at the 1936 Olympics at Nuremberg.
Nah... Moon landings were faked. They were filmed in a studio on Mars. :smilewinkgrin:

Stanley Kubrick was hired to fake it but kept running into sound stage problems. So he told the government that it would be better to shoot on location.
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