Tennessee Senate passes bill outlawing Chemtrails

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ElPaso Pilot

May 26, 2006
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ElPaso Pilot

SB 2691/HB 2063, sponsored by Rep. Monty Fritts, R-Kingston, and Sen. Steve Southerland, R-Morristown, passed in the Senate on Monday.

The bill claims it is "documented the federal government or other entities acting on the federal government's behalf or at the federal government's request may conduct geoengineering experiments by intentionally dispersing chemicals into the atmosphere, and those activities may occur within the State of Tennessee," according to the bill.

The legislation would ban the practice in Tennessee.
Who here is near Nashville with a smoke system installed?

Look for these guys:

Tennessee Sen. Monty Fritz:


Tennessee Sen. Steve Southerland

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It’s even funnier that they think they can regulate supposed federal activities in federally controlled airspace.

Regardless, all program pilots and ground crews are encouraged by the program office to contact Tennessee legislators and discourage progress of this bill. Even though it’s unlikely to pass and would be found unconstitutional if it did, further action might call undesirable attention to the program. Be careful not to disclose classified information in your letter, but call attention to the importance of combating climate change and the benefits of disease control.

Sample letters can be downloaded in the classified section of POA.
I don’t get it. I thought contrails warmed the planet? Now I’m confused.
“The intentional injection, release, or dispersion, by any means, of chemicals, chemical compounds, substances, or apparatus within the borders of this state into the atmosphere with the express purpose of affecting temperature, weather, or the intensity of the sunlight is prohibited.”

Dunno. Sounds like banning cloud seeding.
Believe it or not....lot's of people think generic airplanes are doing this. I've explained this to my own kids.

Also, EPA is drafting new emission standards that will not allow water vapor to be expelled from engines to be certified. It'll have to be reclaimed.
How does Tennessee plan to enforce this? Will pilots have to prove trails were water vapor?
Believe it or not....lot's of people think generic airplanes are doing this. I've explained this to my own kids.

Also, EPA is drafting new emission standards that will not allow water vapor to be expelled from engines to be certified. It'll have to be reclaimed.
Sounds like someone at the EPA needs to reclaim said emissions in their car in an enclosed garage.

On Monday, the Tennessee Senate passed a bill prohibiting “the intentional injection, release, or dispersion, by any means, of chemicals, chemical compounds, substances, or apparatus within the borders of this state into the atmosphere with the express purpose of affecting temperature, weather, or the intensity of the sunlight …” In other words, the bill would make it against the law to dispense “chemtrails” over Tennessee.
The headline is clickbait and disingenuous. Above is the first paragraph of the article. The substances in question are aimed at climate change, not mind control.
Organizations have been experimenting with cloud seeding for a long long time. My guess is the legislation is aimed at that? Then again, how much of the air above 0 AGL does Tennessee own? I wonder if this will just open the door for them to sue the federal gov.
I didn't realize anyone had a functioning steam-powered airplane, but I'm glad to see the EPA cracking down on steam-engines!
The headline is clickbait and disingenuous. Above is the first paragraph of the article. The substances in question are aimed at climate change, not mind control.

Someone gets it. Leave it to pilots to connect this unnecessary legislation to the contrail conspiracy.
It's a roomer or in draft....it was talked about at work.

Where in those links do they discuss water vapor? All I am seeing is discussion of liquid fuel, carbon dioxide, oxides of nitrogen, smoke, and hydrocarbons. Searching for “water” or “H2O” on both pages has a total of 4 hits, one of which is defining rated output as inclusive of using water injection and the others with reference to the definition of standard day with respect to humidity.

I am not seeing ANY language along the lines of what you suggested, but perhaps I am missing something.
Where in those links do they discuss water vapor? All I am seeing is discussion of liquid fuel, carbon dioxide, oxides of nitrogen, smoke, and hydrocarbons. Searching for “water” or “H2O” on both pages has a total of 4 hits, one of which is defining rated output as inclusive of using water injection and the others with reference to the definition of standard day with respect to humidity.

I am not seeing ANY language along the lines of what you suggested, but perhaps I am missing something.
I can't find it....but the discussion was around Hydrogen fuel cells. And someone mentioned that they will have to reclaim the water vapor to prevent a contrail. I almost laughed out loud.
I can't find it....but the discussion was around Hydrogen fuel cells. And someone mentioned that they will have to reclaim the water vapor to prevent a contrail. I almost laughed out loud.
Okay so those links were entirely irrelevant, it’s an unsubstantiated rumor, and now specifically about hydrogen fuel cell based engines of which there are maybe 3 prototypes and zero market, not gas turbines or piston engines of which there are hundreds of thousands of examples and 99.99% of the market.

Got it.
Okay so it’s an unsubstantiated rumor and now specifically about hydrogen fuel cell based engines of which there are maybe 3 prototypes and zero market, not gas turbines or piston engines of which there are hundreds of thousands of examples and 99.99% of the market.

Got it.
Ya...it'll probably never happen....never mind.
Believe it or not....lot's of people think generic airplanes are doing this. I've explained this to my own kids.

Also, EPA is drafting new emission standards that will not allow water vapor to be expelled from engines to be certified. It'll have to be reclaimed.
There's a theory that people want proof of things that are true but are willing to believe BS without question.
Takoma Park, MD is nuclear free, but they have yet to install a filter to keep nuclear generated power out of their electrical system.
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