New Garmin GTR205/GNC215 COM and NAVCOM radios

Given that this and the Trig can see two VORs and the radials at the same time, seems to me they’re both just a software upgrade away from having at least a rudimentary RNAV capability, although DME would definitely enhance accuracy.
SL30 had this feature 30 years ago. That software upgrade never came. :(

I need to re-read the SL30's serial port protocol. Now you have me wondering whether it can be done with an external box.
Given that this and the Trig can see two VORs and the radials at the same time, seems to me they’re both just a software upgrade away from having at least a rudimentary RNAV capability, although DME would definitely enhance accuracy.
I’m not sure why a nav computer hasn’t been created that just automatically grabs everything available - GPS, VOR, DME - and spin up the location, speed, etc. Might be a good way to keep the moving map populated if the GPS goes out momentarily.
I always thought the KNS-80 was neat. We use radial/dme nomenclature in military flying, so that rho/theta terminology was always user-friendly to me. Being able to file slant India on just a single VOR/DME VHF unit in spam can I thought was awesome, given the cost-prohibitive nature of commercial grade INS associated with FMS.

With the advent of solid state radios and more reliable display electronics, a refreshed and more compact form factor KNS-80 equivalent would be an awesome poor man's non-GPS RNAV. They could add a UI that allows ICAO waypoint call-up based on a DB with fixes that have published radial/DMEs in the NAS, which would negate the old -80 need for manually hand jamming a freq, radial and DME for the user created waypoint being attempted. I would still retain that manual capability in order to provide the emulation of "direct to" GPS functionality to user created waypoints not otherwise associated with a published ICAO waypoint, which is at the heart of true off-airway RNAV navigation and the original KNS80 itself.
I’m not sure why a nav computer hasn’t been created that just automatically grabs everything available - GPS, VOR, DME - and spin up the location, speed, etc. Might be a good way to keep the moving map populated if the GPS goes out momentarily.
I'm pretty sure that's the very definition of an FMS as used in most turbine aircraft.

Scroll down to "Position Determination".

As.for why this type of thing hasn't been implemented in light GA, well, probably because there's been no demand for it.
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That would be nice, a modern nav/com with Rho/Theta RNAV capability.

That, plus the discussion in the other thread on GPS spoofing about very small, solid state, UNS units would be tremendous backup and also a comparative source to determine if you are being spoofed.
As legacy VOR locations are being decommissioned, the FAA is reworking them to provide DME (i.e. the ATL VOR/DME is now the GSU DME). The FAA's NextGen program specifically calls for adding DME-only facilities as VORs are replaced to provide location information to aircraft without the need for an internal reference unit, while still allowing them to operate in a PBN environment. I'd certainly like the ability to have DME/DME PBN information from my navigation radios, in addition to GPS. (I also want to be able to fly RNP-AR approaches, so I guess I don't win a prize.)
Does anyone know when Garmin plans to ship these?
They're already shipping, a friend is installing one in his Mooney right now.
Nope. Was just talking to my avionics shop. Garmin cancelled all their 255 orders and put them at the end of the line for 215s

At least that was the case before he had a nice chat with them.

AFAIK they are not shipping, so maybe the Mooney is being wired for it, but no radio yet.
Garmin cancelled all their 255 orders and put them at the end of the line for 215s
That's so messed up. A responsible corporation would recognize that the 255 orders belong at the beginning of the line.
That could be for people ordering for the first time through a Garmin dealer. Maybe those that previously ordered a GNC255 and got switched to the 215 are ahead in line.
This is my case... they ordered the 255 in November and we're told that there was a backorder, they said they are not fulfilling the orders and switching to the 215 which I am okay with, but the wait...

If I had known, I would have postponed the installation. Oh well.... life hands you lemons, find a way to make lemonade..

That's so messed up. A responsible corporation would recognize that the 255 orders belong at the beginning of the line.

I agree, but if Aircraft Spruce had 50 back orders, and the local dealer shop/installer one.... I think we know who is high on the priority list
That's so messed up. A responsible corporation would recognize that the 255 orders belong at the beginning of the line.

I’m guessing it’s the same manufacturing line and they can’t do both at the same time, these are relatively low volume machines.
But I agree and would have made sure there was sufficient supply before switching over.
This is my case... they ordered the 255 in November and we're told that there was a backorder, they said they are not fulfilling the orders and switching to the 215 which I am okay with, but the wait...
Are you now waiting on a 255 or a 215? If a 255, my installer may have one NIB that he was about to install for someone then the 215 got announced and the guy changed his mind. If that’s what you’re after I’m happy to connect you to him
Are you now waiting on a 255 or a 215? If a 255, my installer may have one NIB that he was about to install for someone then the 215 got announced and the guy changed his mind. If that’s what you’re after I’m happy to connect you to him

Just sent you a PM
This is my case... they ordered the 255 in November and we're told that there was a backorder, they said they are not fulfilling the orders and switching to the 215 which I am okay with, but the wait...

If I had known, I would have postponed the installation. Oh well.... life hands you lemons, find a way to make lemonade..

I agree, but if Aircraft Spruce had 50 back orders, and the local dealer shop/installer one.... I think we know who is high on the priority list
"We are in production right now, so quantities are ramping up at our dealer locations."
Don’t worry, looks like these things have a frequency database that will need to be updated, so you’ll probably still have the pleasure of a db fee.
Garmin just announced the experimental version last week, called the GTR205x. It has the option for either an internal database (extra fee like GTR225 and GTR205) or an external database (no extra fee like the old SL40, Trig, and pretty much everyone else).
See page 3-17 of the Pilot Guide: