

Touchdown! Greaser!
PoA Supporter
Mar 2, 2005
Southeast Tennessee
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I passed my IR checkride today...I'm very happy!!!

More later, our flying club xmas party is in an hour....and I'm relieved.
Bill Jennings said:
I passed my IR checkride today...I'm very happy!!!

More later, our flying club xmas party is in an hour....and I'm relieved.

Congratultations, Bill!:cheerswine::cheerswine::cheerswine:


Now you can soar the soup with the rest of the instrument rated pilots! Congrats once again and I'm sure you're releived.

Glad to hear it went [very] well,

Congratulations! IR or not, no flying in NE because of weather. Tonight though will be bright clear and cold with the new snow.
Congratulations Bill,

Glad to hear it all went good!
Great job Bill. Now ya can fly with your eyes closed. After I got my IR I filed in the system every chance I got.
HPNPilot1200 said:
Now you can soar the soup with the rest of the instrument rated pilots!
I think I'm going dyslexic... I read this and thought it was something about soap. B)


We await checkride details!

Congratulations. It's an awesome thing you've done.

Maybe when you comeback down you can tell us about the ride and any other tidbits.
Never a doubt. Congratulations!

Let me duplicate my congratulations that I put on the red board. Just keep using those new skills. This afternoon I grabbed a safety pilot and did 3 approaches and a hold just cause it's fun to do.
Also go find some ice free actual. IMO it's easier than with foggles.
Bill Jennings said:
I passed my IR checkride today...I'm very happy!!!

More later, our flying club xmas party is in an hour....and I'm relieved.
What excitement! And relief! Congratulations, Bill -
Bill Jennings said:
I passed my IR checkride today...I'm very happy!!!

More later, our flying club xmas party is in an hour....and I'm relieved.

woohoo ! Now doesn't that feel great!!!

Bill Jennings said:
I passed my IR checkride today...I'm very happy!!!

More later, our flying club xmas party is in an hour....and I'm relieved.

I'm a little late, but way to go!!! :wineglass: Hope the party was lots of fun!

i'm a little late too .. never really checked this forum much. congratulations! :)