Final Approach
Anyone who thinks that the FAA is going to stand up and say "This is stupid" to a mandate from DHS - well, I want some of what they're smoking/drinking. FAA is a MINOR player in the government, they're not even a cabinet agency. Today I learned how my client (which IS a cabinet agency) is having it's cybersecurity policies dictated and micromanaged by DHS. Don't get me wrong, some of the policies are good, but others aren't and there's no recourse. DHS has most of the law enforcement/security clout in the Government now. Remember how folks were worried once about creating one big LE Agency and folding DEA/FBI/ATF/USMS/IRS/INS/USCS and pretty much every other non-military law enforcement gun-toter into it? We've got most of that now in DHS, and the worriers were right.