Pattern Altitude
Foreflight gives you a GPS position-referenced map of the airspace (includes graphic overlay SIGMETS and TFRs) - $75 bucks that will totally save your bacon in bizybizy airspace. Plus, a whole bunch of awesome situational awareness, and approach plates for your upcoming instrument ticket.
I did 3 touch and gos (2500' strip!) immediately before taking passengers up the first time.
I finally upgraded from the clunky paper sectionals (which I still keep in my bag) to Foreflight. LOVE it! While I could navigate around the TFR, I actually plan to fly straight through it - it's more direct and avoids having to fly 20 nm over water, which I'm not really comfortable doing yet. It's the outer ring of the MVY TFR for the President's vacay, and it sounds like all I need to do is open my flight plan, stay on FF and have a squawk code.