um, hhhhmmm. I was never in a rush, that's for sure. part of me was thinking of staying VFR forever, but I have a solid IFR capable plane and I'm all for additional training so I figured I'd give it a shot. a big barrier for me was the written, which I managed to bang out not too long ago. I think I was waiting to get thru my first annual which happened in sept of last year. then I was considering training with the former owner of the plane but I ended up going with our own in-house mooney/IFR extraordinaire
@dell30rb. then the weather has sucked big giant donkey cajones and now here I am 3 lessons in and yet again, the weather can just suck it. anyways, I started, slow going but I'm plugging away and if weather wasn't an issue I'd basically be making training a priority. but I'm working on it. don't know if that answered your question.