Passed my Cessna 207 pt 135 checkride today....I start IOE tomorrow. It is quite the quirky flying machine.
Landed one time at what I thought was the customers landing strip and it turned out to be someone elses clearing where they were going to build a cabin.... ooops.
Sounds like the airline pilot a few years back who landed his personal plane across the river from Gason's on a new road that had been cut in for a residential development on the river...oops!
Way to go!
I never see 207's around here.
Are they all up in Alaska?
No buzzing rivers, okay!?!?!!??!!!!!!?????!!!!!!!!!!!
I loved flying sleds in Alaska. Load 'em up until there is no more room, then go fly.
As long as the nose wheel is on the ground, then the CG is good. If the nose wheel is off the ground, have the passengers lean forward..
I did a lot of off airport work in the sleds. Landed one time at what I thought was the customers landing strip and it turned out to be someone elses clearing where they were going to build a cabin.... ooops.
Good job David. Get done with IOE, don't lose that paperwork, get some hours in and then move on to the 208.
Have you done a special VFR into Bethel yet?
We don't have any 208s....honestly I'd rather stay out of them. I've done a few special VFR approaches.....right after I exited the runway once on landing the tower changed it to 200' ovc and 1/2 mile.....I swear it was 500/2 the whole way in!
Flying up here is a hoot. We fly in crap most people won't go IFR in, and in winds that would ground most airliners on some days. It's fun.
How difficult was the 135 ride? I have a 135 ride in the 208 this week.
The 208 carries a lot. Takes too much time to load, unload. Too much work and too little flight time. Good start for turbine time.
500 and 1, good VFR. Anything less and we would go PVFR. Nothing like VFR flying where you never see the ground except when you are on it.
I had a great time flying in Alaska. I hated to leave, but I wanted more out of aviation. No regrets. Well, sometimes a little.
Today half of the runway was fog/rain and the other half was VFR in bethel. I landed on the good half