Yet another logging question


Cleared for Takeoff
Jun 19, 2008
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Ron Hammer
The other day I went on a flight with another pilot. We went from MO to Gastons and back. About 1 hr flight time each way.
I did not touch the controls I did not act as safety pilot well the other pilot was under the hood.
Most important I did not help pay for Avgas, I did not buy him lunch, I did not even by him a drink.
So now do I log this as worthless freeloader? Or maybe extra ballast?
I'm going with worthless freeloader. :D

I didn't realize that was you until you and Tim left.
I once got the chance to fly a DH-2 Beaver on floats from the right seat.

Since I am not float rated (yet) and the pilot was not an instructor, this is not time that can be logged.

I did, however, make an entry in the logbook just as a reminder of the experience, but marked the time as zero, so my record of hours flown remains accurate.
I once got the chance to fly a DH-2 Beaver on floats from the right seat.

Since I am not float rated (yet) and the pilot was not an instructor, this is not time that can be logged.

I did, however, make an entry in the logbook just as a reminder of the experience, but marked the time as zero, so my record of hours flown remains accurate.
There are folks who like their pilot logbook to also be a journal of their aviation experiences. I don't recommend doing that, and if you have aspirations of professional flying, you would be well-advised to stick just with what 61.51 says -- anything else raises questions in their minds, and there are enough applicants with no questions attached that they don't need anyone to whom such questions are attached.