Touchdown! Greaser!
There is one city in Calif in Orange County that RARELY sees traffic enforcement of residents other than warnings because the citizens have learned to plead not guilty to everything - which requires officers in court - over time spending, etc etc etc. So the police commissions simply chatted with their chiefs and instead of issuing tickets and then dismissing them when the defendant shows up in court, they just give residents warnings - unless it results in accident, property damage or dui or happens in a school or senior zone.
I've considered going to court for a moving violation a couple times but in MN (or at least in Hennepin County where I do much of my driving) they claim you will have "court costs" added to the fine if you choose that route. Seems even more like a racket with that disincentive. Maybe next time I'll do it anyway just to see what happens. They do have a process where you can see a "court clerk" who has a little discretion to reduce charges or give you the option of paying the fine without the violation going on your record if you stay "clean" for a year. The last ticket I got was for "crossing a double white line" (painted barrier for a HOV lane). The reality was there was only a single white line where I crossed because the DMV had inadvertently painted over one of the lines with black paint. The officer who wrote the ticket told me "you know darn well that line is supposed to be white". I took a picture to the clerk and he dropped the charges but to my chagrin pointed out that there were actually two charges (which would have meant double the money), the other being "improper lane change". I tried to convince him the second charge was a bogus as the first but he said he "couldn't do anything about that one because it was "my word against the officer's".