Yak Engine-Out Off Field Landing, POV, HD


Touchdown! Greaser!
Feb 23, 2005
Midlothian, TX
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You'll see, from his point-of-view camera, everywhere he looks in his decision making. As soon as he loses oil pressure, but before the engine seizes, he uses the remaining power to gain altitude (you'll catch glimpses of the altimeter) and eventually turns towards lower terrain. Quite a ride. Good outcome, considering.

Anybody notice the AI in that plane? Must be a ***** to keep the blue side up!
Not a bad landing, if it wasn't for that last little wall at the end, he would have had it clean.
I'm thinking he originally wanted the longer field to the left of the one he landed on, but on his rollout from base to final he realized couldn't turn that far without digging a wing in... smart to roll it out and go in level and under control. If he'd been a little shorter and impacted the wall/berm more directly the outcome might not have been as pretty.