I'm going to go out on a limb here seeing that Takeoff and Landing Data (TOLD) is my bread and butter. Any aircraft that is within BFL parameters will rotate WELL BEFORE this aircraft did providing all engines were operating. If an engine fails before V1 the takeoff should be aborted. If the engine fails after V1, the takeoff is still safe provided the CFL is within limits. If the CFL exceeds RA there are no guarentees the aircraft will accelerate to takeoff speed prior to reaching the end of the prepared surface. Either this aircraft lost an engine or was grossly mishandled on the takeoff run. As someone else mentioned perhaps the crew extended the ground run to increase velocity. This is crap. All that will do is put the aircraft in jepardy after rotation by not meeting climb gradients and obstacle clearance. The only increase in rotation speed should be equal to the gust speed, which is also a factor built into TOLD charts. And by looking at the video again and again, there is no sign of and engine failure i.e. yawing in one direction or another, full rudder deflection, etc.