And wait a day for the CAP to arrive?
LOL. I have to agree the ELT is retarded.
At the third busiest GA airport (maybe 4th now behind all the Chinese flight schools in PHX), Airport Ops drives around acting like they're looking for the ELT until we arrive (high turnover, no training on their own Doppler DF gear on the ops truck, mostly Metro State aviation college students working the night shift for some cash), and it's going to take an hour or more for AFRCC to even call the Wing, let alone head out there.
With the "Safety" requirement that even Urban DF teams are no longer one-person in CAP, probably after some dumb-ass drove his car into an aircraft while staring at DF needles, getting two people to the airport at the same time is always fun too.
And the Arapahoe County Sheriff? They can't even spell ELT, much less care if one is going off somewhere. They call us for that. If they became aware of it they might call the State Director incorrectly, who'd then have to call AFRCC and kick off the process. Same difference.
As far as um... "unofficial response"... I *might* just head to *cough* my hangar to check on something *cough* if my 121.5 monitor on the roof of one of the FBOs alerts on an ELT, but until another CAP UDF qualified member shows up, I'm *cough* a private individual enjoying my hobby of DFing after a nice trip to my hangar with my personal ramp access badge.
(Actually this new dual-person silliness is why I haven't bothered renewing my UDF rating in CAP. So two would have to show up. I'd meet them after a cell phone call and tell 'em what hangar to go to and leave. "I was never here." Or if the weather was nice I'd go grab a lawn chair at my hangar and wait for them to finish up contacting the owner or whatever and then see if they wanted to go get a bite to eat or a beverage, depending on time of day. I've turned off 20 or more ELTs after finding them by myself with my personal DF gear. I'm a big boy and know not to drive and DF simultaneously, but apparently some dumbass in the intervening years while I was away from CAP, wasn't quite so bright.)
It used to be fun to "race" AFRCC. See if you could be standing at the ELT when they called. "I'm standing next to it, would you like me to contact the owner to turn it off?". Those days are long gone. There's also liability issues with even touching someone else's ELT or aircraft these days. I'd prefer you get your butt to the airport and turn it off yourself. I'll let ya know if we heard it for more than 30 minutes. Whether you then replace your batteries is up to you.
Anyway. Henning... Bottom line is... We can't start your direction these days until there's two of us and never without an AFRCC assigned mission number, and we'll do you no good when we get there. I don't carry in (that) uniform either.
And around here, Airport Ops might find you if you painted yourself safety orange and stood on the roof of your hangar waving frantically, and the Sheriff doesn't care.