Absolutely it is an option and a great backup to have. Agreed it should be practiced. In an emergency I'm throwing the rule book out the window and using every available source I have to get down.
As stated above, in an emergency you bet your a** I would.
Go right ahead
I never said anything about his safety as a pilot. He can log whatever he wants. If he does a field sobriety test and passes, shoot I'd say he tracked centerline pretty dang good in actual conditions "mark it dude!"
Sure it is good to practice them in case of an emergency. The reg on logging approaches is pretty vague hence the reason a lot of people take the "rule of reason" approach to logging instrument currency. As Bob Gardner said, “You are the best judge of whether an approach has made you a more proficient instrument pilot or has just allowed you to fill a gap in your log.” If he wants to log those approaches for currency, go right ahead. I am saying that,
I wouldn't do it. The ones I count for currency are gonna be done the old fashioned way. If
I practiced with an ipad/stratus combo, they are gonna be done
in addition to the ones done for currency.