Would the FAA investigate construction under the approach path?


Touchdown! Greaser!
Gone West
Feb 12, 2005
Lake County, IL
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Mostly just askin'. When and how would the FAA investigate a building being built under the approach path to the runway?

A certain airport has a certain tall building being proposed that lies under the runway approach path, although I know it's 1 to 2 miles out. Under what circumstances would the FAA do an inquiry on the potential hazard and how would the inquiry be initiated? Just a call to the nearest FSDO?
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Mostly just askin'. When and how woud the FAA investigate a building being built under the approach path to the runway?

A certain airport has a certain tall building being proposed that lies under the runway approach path, although I know it's 1 to 2 miles out. Under what circumstances would the FAA do an inquiry on the potential hazard and how would the inquiry be initiated? Just a call to the nearest FSDO?

It may already be under way. Can you provide any more info? What airport?
It may already be under way. Can you provide any more info? What airport?

:D The building is proposed to be 4 stories so its likely going be maybe 50 feet high - tall for the area but - as I said, about 2 miles out. I was wondering where the threshold for interest would be.

Mostly just askin'. When and how woud the FAA investigate a building being built under the approach path to the runway?

A certain airport has a certain tall building being proposed that lies under the runway approach path, although I know it's 1 to 2 miles out. Under what circumstances would the FAA do an inquiry on the potential hazard and how would the inquiry be initiated? Just a call to the nearest FSDO?

Take a look at this: http://www.faa.gov/regulations_poli....cfm/go/document.information/documentID/22826 and http://rgl.faa.gov/Regulatory_and_G...4cf5add04b2922978625781c004fb31e!OpenDocument

The nearest FSDO can give you some ideas. As I recall, the airport [public] needs to have a certain minimum runway length [>2750ft?] for the FAA to get involved. Also the location of the obstacle is important. The FAA, in principle, can block any "obstacle" from being built if it interferes with the safe operation of the airport.
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I don't think they're going to care about a 50 foot object two miles out.
:D The building is proposed to be 4 stories so its likely going be maybe 50 feet high - tall for the area but - as I said, about 2 miles out. I was wondering where the threshold for interest would be.

Well, when you said "a certain airport has a certain tall building being proposed that lies under the runway approach path" I imagined a structure more than fifty feet high. I was going to check the OEAAA database, but I would have needed something more than "a certain airport" to identify it.

Mostly just askin'. When and how would the FAA investigate a building being built under the approach path to the runway?

CFR Title 14 Part 77.9 states that any person/organization who intends to sponsor any of the following construction or alterations must notify the Administrator of the FAA:

  • any construction or alteration exceeding 200 ft above ground level
  • any construction or alteration:
    • within 20,000 ft of a public use or military airport which exceeds a 100:1 surface from any point on the runway of each airport with its longest runway more than 3,200 ft
    • within 10,000 ft of a public use or military airport which exceeds a 50:1 surface from any point on the runway of each airport with its longest runway no more than 3,200 ft
    • within 5,000 ft of a public use heliport which exceeds a 25:1 surface
  • any highway, railroad or other traverse way whose prescribed adjusted height would exceed the above noted standards
  • when requested by the FAA
  • any construction or alteration located on a public use airport or heliport regardless of height or location.
You want an obstacle? Try this:
Wasn't there a new building in San Diego that needed its top lopped off a few years back? If my memory serves, I believe it had exceeded some FAA height restriction...
Wasn't there a new building in San Diego that needed its top lopped off a few years back? If my memory serves, I believe it had exceeded some FAA height restriction...

Yeah, the building was under the downwind at Montgomery Field, home of the Kings. The developer thought he could ask forgiveness and claimed the concrete was set - and IIRC, rushed to flesh out the interior. He ended up having to take it out the top two(?) floors.