You were hard on yourself. And, that is a good thing, because you will learn from it. You recognize the need for improvement and will take action to do so. Good for you!
This is similar to what I experienced with about 100 hours total time. With only about 20 recent hours in 30+ years all of which is in a new to me 182, I decided to take a 12hour plus round xc trip from Montana to California with my daughter as a passenger. All went well until on the way back, I had planned for a small airport out in nowhere Oregon for a fuel stop. Did not pay much attention to the details and approached, turned downwind, base, then final. But, I looked so high, with full flaps and slipping, after a few moments, I realized I was too high. So, go around, turn downwind, this time extending the leg. Turn base and final. Again, full flaps, slip, speed correct, and I am not getting down. Too high!
So, I go around a third time and have my Daughter get my sectional and point to where that airport is. It was sort of bumpy, so it is hard to read. Then I realized that I had read the length of the runway as the elevation. I was a few thousand feet high! So, I descended to the proper altitude and went in once more. This time the picture looked better. But, there was terrain and bumps to deal with. I landed hard and bounced more than ever, but made it in ok. Yes, I felt really bad and embarrassed. I have kept trying, and feel that I have improved with new airfields.
One thing to keep in mind is that when you are landing, unless you need something important, tell you passenger to be quiet and you too. Just concentrate on what needs to be done.
Keep the xc's going and you will improve too...