Picture #1 shows where you wrote. 005 in magic marker... Also for the curious,, all those tiny looking cracks is a normal look for a chrome cylinder.
they are Chrome and have 512 hours on them.
.005 is alot of wear for a chrome cyl for that low of hours.. the plane must have been flown is a dusty area.
It's not wear, they were +.005" when they went on. the pistons are +.005 too, so we buy .005 over rings.
the ring end gap was better then 5/16"
Sure sign of the fact cast rings will wear out long before the clyinders
yep that is the advantage of re-chroming cylinders, back when we couldn't get new.
#5 had a broken ring, but the old soft iron ring didn't even scratch the
Pic #6 clearly shows the impression of a broken ring.
but it doesn't show any wear in that spot. You can see it, but you can't feel it, and the bore gauge doesn't see it either.
What's wrong with them? nothing really, they will get a new set of rings, valves lapped, and go back on.
That is what I would do too..