Woman watches on web cam 2 scum raiding her apartment. Cops nab 'em!

Hahaha... and one of them walks right up to the computer. Dumbasses. Shame they'll be out soon enough and back to the same crap.
dogs and cat are a big help "Hey guys! Follow us! We'll show you where the good stuff is!"
Hahaha... and one of them walks right up to the computer. Dumbasses. Shame they'll be out soon enough and back to the same crap.

I suspect that the cam may be a well-hidden standalone IP capable web cam that auto uploads to a web site. Panasonic for one sells such.

dogs and cat are a big help "Hey guys! Follow us! We'll show you where the good stuff is!"

That was the cat.

Notice how afraid of the dogs they were, although the first guy was carrying a bar. I wish they had the audio. I would have loved to hear the "Oh SH*! THE COPS!"
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