Wingtip Upgrade, 1975 C182P, Suggestions/Sources sought


Touchdown! Greaser!
Jan 13, 2010
Denton, TX
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The original "I don't know it all" of aviation.
Here's another chance to do something I know this group loves doing.... spending other people's money.

The club will be replacing the wingtips of our 1975 C182P during the upcoming annual. I inquired if there was any interest in upgrading and that got me volunteered as the guy to find out what was out there and prices.

I need some help on sources and choices. So in your replies, company names, website links, opinions, recommendations, etc are sought.

Here are some ideas I have so far.....

Current wingtip is the stock one with just the red or green lamp. I have been thinking about:

  • Wingtip that incorporates a strobe. We do have a single strobe on the underside of the empenage. And I was thinking wing tip strobes would add to the "be seen" quotient.
  • Wingtip that incorporates forward facing lights. This can help with runway illumination at night, plus the possible wig-wag addition.

Other ideas are welcome. Just be sure to provide source data.
Get the forward facing light ones...put LED landing lights in it and upgrade your Nav light bulbs to LED as will look great
Anything that wig-wags, whether landing or recognition lights, is a huge plus to being seen, simply because the head-on profile of any light plane isn't all that great. My previous 180 had landing-taxi lights in both wings with a wig-wag wired to the taxi positions. The first time I saw it from the ground on a low-viz but VFR day was sufficient to understand the benefit.

If the fancy wingtips cost a lot of money, consider adding another wing-mounted unit and flashers.
Anything that wig-wags, whether landing or recognition lights, is a huge plus to being seen, simply because the head-on profile of any light plane isn't all that great. My previous 180 had landing-taxi lights in both wings with a wig-wag wired to the taxi positions. The first time I saw it from the ground on a low-viz but VFR day was sufficient to understand the benefit.

If the fancy wingtips cost a lot of money, consider adding another wing-mounted unit and flashers.
I would got with Brads recommendation. Get the LED's. It cost now, but I believe its worth it.
The type of lighting is secondary to the wig-wag effect. I assume LED is better but I know for a fact it's not a necessity.

I would got with Brads recommendation. Get the LED's. It cost now, but I believe its worth it.
I would got with Brads recommendation. Get the LED's. It cost now, but I believe its worth it.

Our newest mooney has two LED landing lights on the wings. There is a huge difference between that and the other club planes we have with single incandescent bulbs.
Do nav, taxi, or landing lights have to be certified for aviation use?

Landing & taxi, no. The others? Well let's just say if your current nav light bulbs are part of a TSO'ed assembly or your airplane was certified to part 23 regulations, I would say yes.

The table didn't paste well :(

§ 23.1391 Minimum intensities in the horizontal plane of position lights.
Each position light intensity must equal or exceed the applicable values in the following table:

Dihedral angle (light included) Angle from right or left of longitudinal axis, measured from dead ahead. Intensity (candles)
LandR(red and green)
0° to 10°. 40
10° to 20°. 30
20° to 110°. 5
A(rear white) 110° to 180° 20
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