For Sale Wings of Hope Spring 2022 Raffle

Surprised, it’s still open. 4672 sold.
wow, that's interesting....since you all say it used to sell out fast. Last year I thought it sold out within a few hours, but I wasn't watching all that closely after I made my donation.
I guess they found the natural free market cap to the perceived value.....or maybe just because it's a low wing with only one door and zero opening windows ;)
Just looked back at the plane

Panel is dual G5s, GTN 650, GFC-500 autopilot, and Mode-S/ADSB out. Super nice.
Do they ever at least announce what the winning ticket # was?

4. The winners are determined by a random drawing to take place at 18370 Wings of Hope Boulevard, Chesterfield, Missouri at Wings of Hope, Inc. on June 1, 2022. The location, date, and time will also be posted on website: You are welcome to come and observe the drawing which will be conducted by the independent accounting firm of Fick, Eggemeyer, and Williamson. The winners do not have to be physically present at the drawing to win.
Sunday night and they have 105 tickets left to get to the 5000. Since it is for charity and an airplane driven charity I’m good with the increased price. NHM

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Still not sold out. Was it the server or the price?

if you’re just looking for any airplane, there are much better(?) raffles out there.
I’d say that their ticket sales are going very well even at the higher price and with computer issues. Many of the other aircraft raffles take weeks and even months to sell out. Judge WOH against the performance of all other raffles, not just their own past performance.
I bought 18 tickets. I'm winning that headset, dammit!!

Ok, so I only really bought one...
Not me...bummer. Any of you?

June 1, 2022 UPDATE: And the winners are ....

  • Grand Prize: 1978 Piper Cherokee Archer II: PA-28-181 (N2135F)


  • Second Prize: a PPL or Advanced Training Scholarship


  • Third Prize: a Bose A20 aviation headset


  • Fourth Prize: an 11-inch 512 GB iPad with Wi-Fi and cellular
    PLUS a one-year subscription to ForeFlight Pro-Plus


I might meet some of the winners at the fundraising event this weekend. I think they get invited, if they are local they might come out.
yep....but that was a pretty sweet prize this year...even though I've never been a huge piper cherokee fan. I'm not clear on what their raffle planes look like year to year but this one looked to be well equipped and in decent shape.
I was already daydreaming about the route bringing it home :)

Oh well, no biggie....seems to be for a good cause.....
Congratulations to the winners!
I accidentally bought 6 tickets. Still didn't win. At least it's a good cause.