Windows upgrade


Final Approach
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Jun 7, 2008
Indian Hills Airpark Salome, AZ
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How many people have jumped on the Win 10 upgrade?
Are you happy with it?

I gonna wait to see how others make out. :yes:

Salome, AZ
Being a early adopter never has been high on my priority list.

My big question is how is it on system resources.
Have it running on the laptop I'm sing right now. No issues at this point.

Edit: One issue with the touchpad. It needs a new driver because it keeps defaulting to the Windows tablet settings so I have to go and change the scrolling setting when I reboot it. Minor irritation at this point, not a showstopper.
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Negative. Windows 7 Pro is still working just fine.

Don't have iOS 9 on the iPhone or iPad yet, either.

Waiting for MS and Apple to settle things in and the bugs figured out.
...Apple wants you to enjoy their product, but only for a little while. Then they want you to need a new one.

How true, Jeff!!

I'm already on my 3rd iPad in 5 years!! :eek: A 1, a 3, and now an Air2.

Hoping the iPhone 6 (my first iPhone) has a longer lifespan.

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I did the upgrade and I was so glad I backed everything up first. It crashes my computer so I had to install Windows. 8 from scratch.
Got stuck in a reboot loop. All of the things I found looking up the issue said, "earlier releases of W10 has reboot restart issues that have been solved". Of course, that was no help to me as I was experiencing the issue...

Had to reinstall W7.
So far, the online upgrade for Windows 10 has been a no-go for my one Windows PC desktop. I've installed all the Windows 7 updates and stopped my AV software. But, it still fails to install. I'll probably buy a Windows 10 box from a local PC builder when I get tired of trying to maintain the box I got.
I have upgraded four of my computers. I haven't had any issues. Performance wise it is better than 8 on the same hardware and a lot better than 7.
My laptop running Windows 7 will stay with Windows 7. All the other computers in the house that WERE running Windows 8.1 got upgraded to Windows 10 as quickly as possible. I HATE Windows 8 and 8.1. Tablet oriented OS that got foisted on the PC world. Windows 10 is a much better UI for laptops. I haven't had any problems with it, either, other than Outlook sometimes has trouble starting (the first time) and File Explorer sometimes goes out into "never never land" for a while. But, all in all, a much better OS for computers than 8 or 8.1.
I upgraded my laptop but not the desktops due to old scanners and such that might not be supported. On the laptop it works fine, probably better on resources than 7 or 8 because the UI is really scaled back to almost Windows 1.0 level. No transparency or fancy shading or rounded corners like 7. It's almost like an anti Apple statement.
This is not, and never has been, a reason to upgrade a perfectly functioning PC. Most of the bad press attributed to every new version of Windows came from early adopters who needlessly upgraded old systems. There is nothing wrong with Win10... it's just early in the cycle and things need to be worked out. Most businesses won't even consider rolling it out until late 2016. I've been using Win10 for almost a year and like it, but there have been little gotchas upgrading from earlier versions of Windows. Even a fresh install on a HP AIO has been troublesome, as the video driver sucks and will barely play videos.
Don't rush into an upgrade... there is no benefit and plenty of chance for pain. You'll have until mid-summer 2016 to take advantage of the free upgrade, and may just be better off waiting for Win10 until it comes on your next new computer.
This is not, and never has been, a reason to upgrade a perfectly functioning PC.

There is no such unicorn with rainbows flying out of its butt. There are PCs that are performing a small subset of their promised functionality that are all someone needs, so they can ignore the other problems or glaring security holes. For a time. But none function perfectly.
I suggest that POA mandate DenverPilot to take over Microsoft, merge it with Apple and solve all these stupid OS system problems with a combined OS. What could possibly go wrong? LOL

If you have windows 7 and like what you have, it really is more of an aesthetic upgrade. But if you stupidly have (or had in my case) windows 8, I beg you please upgrade to 10. It is better in every way compared to 8.
If you have windows 7 and like what you have, it really is more of an aesthetic upgrade. But if you stupidly have (or had in my case) windows 8, I beg you please upgrade to 10. It is better in every way compared to 8.

Welcome to POA farminpilot!

I agree. I actually bought a new laptop with win 8 on it right win 10 had just come out. I attempted to use it for one day and then downloaded Win 10 onto a flash drive and upgraded the laptop. Haven't looked back since. Win 8 sucks. I had avoided it up until that point.

If you put Win 10 on your machine, make absolutely sure you know what all the default settings are, where they are hidden, what they do, and how to change a lot of the security settings.
The default for Win 10 is to report everything you do back to Microsoft.
You would be surprised and seriously ticked off at what is being sent back, real-time and in the middle of the night, when no one is looking.
Just a friendly bit of advice.